I felt so bad being mean to Alma to get the bad endings because she's absolutely adorable! Now I want another game where we just get to hang out with her!
Recent community posts
I know I say this on every game you release, but there's a reason for it: Because it's the truth, so here it comes again: You just keep getting better and better with every new game. This one actually got significant emotional response out of me....Sure it was seething hatred for the player character but still, genuine emotional reaction is genuine shaped. Well done! Looking forward to the next one (as always!)
Yeah, Incoherence was dark as hell, just in a different way for much different reasons than this one. That one was dark on the severe trauma/loss/mental illness front, this one was more in the ballpark of... well, like the dude said "The line you tell yourself you'd never cross", but then when it literally comes down to life or death/do or die then the human will to survive kicks into overdrive and people will do some pretty effed up shit to ensure their own survival.
For some damn fool reason, this page is blocking me linking to my video of this game, but if you want to watch it then my channel name is the same as my name here and the channel link is in my profile here as well. Now, onto the game, I really enjoyed this, it's super creepy and unsettling, especially the ending. I really hope this gets expanded upon in the future, very well done!
Holy god, this was fantastic. The atmosphere is perfect, the enemy models are great, the sound design is very well done, the guns actually have weight behind them when fired, the gore is wonderfully gooey both in visual and audio. The one single thing I can suggest be improved is MAKE MORE OF THIS! Can't wait for the full release!