Why are you here?
I'm sure I don't need to tell you this Is a adult sex game. But perhaps your years of being a Redditor and being on the Internet for so long has made you so conceited you need to turn to an Itch.io porn game that you clicked on and write a long comment about how this Is wrong to feel righteous and boost your ego. First let me remind you that you yourself fell for their "bestiality adverting" by clicking on this game. Rendering any argument you can make on Its "Advertising" void.
Second let me address one fact further. This Is An Adult Sex Game. Do you see any real animals? Any braindead teens dumb enough to get Influenced by a game like this to actually like bestiality? Here you are being self righteous over a fake problem. This site has porn games where you can fuck an Imaginary family members, Own slaves, make them work for you, And corrupt them Into becoming unrealisticly whorish.
The reason why you don't see comments like these on those games on this sight Is because they have self awareness. No significant people who are Interested In human trafficking are bred by those slave games. No new zoophiles are being bred by playing this game. All who lie here are just curious perverts.
Every site that has any erotic content has people like these.
If you need a sign that this Isn't made for sicko's that want to fuck animals look no further then the dialog. If your pride allows you. Not once In this game Is there dialog like "I want to fuck this cat" or "Fucking these Animals feels so good" You don't even get to fuck any part of the main girl that Is'nt human.
If you want to be self righteous there are actual games that contain horrid content like pedophilia and actual have the main character say things like "God fucking children feels so good." which can Influence minors who s h o u l d 'n t b e h e r e Into becoming pedophiles
If you really and actually want to make the Internet a better place. go to those games. Their comment section's needs criticism a lot more than this one.