With how many combos there are and how few recipes there are, I personally feel that a hint system may be needed. Doesn't need to give the full answer, but maybe just showing which ingredients have unknown recipes.
Recent community posts
As soon as I try to launch the game from the Itch app, I get the error "Error [StoryInit]: cannot execute macro <<character>>: Object.hasOwn is not a function." The rest of the game is similarily full of errors, and they all revolve around Object.hasOwn not existing or macros not existing. It does seem that if I download it and run it not from the Itch app I have no issues. Don't know how to fix this, but figured I should let you know. I am on Windows 10 if that helps.
Hey, you might remember me from some of the first days you put this amazing game up on itch. I reccomended some of the things you implemented or are implementing (wether i had any part in your decisions i have no idea). I would like to congratulate you on how far you've gotten so far. I would also like to reccomend a couple of things for when you release this on steam. I would appreciate it if you would make it so us poor people could get a copy of your game on steam somehow. I would also like it if you could, when the game is stable on steam, to add steam workshop on it, so we can see what things other people want to add to the game. I personally would be thrilled if you did these things, but if you don't want to, i understand completely. Keep doing you!
Im relatively new here. Some feedback i would like to recommend is that food is very hard to come by. Bushes were great at the beginning and i got a farmer, but it takes forever for the food to grow. By the time I realized my city was starving, there was nothing I could do. I dont want anything game breaking, but I would like it if you could add an easier way to get food. Thank you for your consideration.
I see what he was going for when he added the weapon cap, but I agree it made the game MUCH harder. Maybe he could add difficulties with normal being no weapon cap, easy with no weapon cap and boosted stats for you, hard with weapon cap, and insane with weapon cap and boosted enemy stats. Thats my opinion, though im no game developer.
This game is still awesome, but I cannot pass the first enemy on world 2. I cant get more floatrons because shops dont have it in my playthrough idk why and the first enemy had 4 dual mortars while I only had a small shield and a couple tertecions. I died. Horribly. Please fix so that you dont get end world enemies at the beginning of the world. maybe a more incremental system?
Thanks! If eventually it goes on steam as a pay game, please send a key over to me. Im poor. :)
Also I got another thought, since flares are really usefull but never get used because your too busy mashing the other 8 buttons, maybe you should have the flares and gustin automatically fire at incoming bullets.
This is a great game! I think given some time and effort this could be the highest ranking free game on Itch! I would like to reccomend an Endless mode and the ability to make a home base or something that generates money and/or resources to get more things for your war Island. Other than that, this game is AWESOME!
This game is great so far! It is fun and a little addictive, even at this raw state. Add some things like houses, mines, farms, challenges, etc. and this game will be perfect! PS: keep the people, I like how they wobble around to walk PPS: If you ever make this game pay to play, please give me a free copy :) Thanks!