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The Game She Plays

A member registered Dec 07, 2014 · View creator page →

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Oh, this was wonderful! The aesthetic was beautiful, and I really enjoyed the gameplay and the story of it.

Thank you! Yes, it was on my original list of possible features but I scaled down to finish it. If I decide to expand upon the game later, I'll definitely have a couple of chase levels!

(1 edit)

Thank you! It's nice to know the fight I had with the controls in the beginning was worth it :D

Thank you! I did actually consider an endless runner in the beginning, but since I want to make one of those soon anyway I decided to try something different and challenge myself.

Thank you! I did put in the areas where the checkpoints would be, but I couldn't get them working in time so they're purely decorative at the moment - I would definitely like to go back and have another try at getting them working.

This was a lot of fun! I'm definitely going to enjoy playing this one again.