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A member registered Oct 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Are you planning to make a page for deep forest too?

How to middle staple big pages with a regular stapler:

place the zine flat on a cork-board or material of similar texture. Open the stapler hinge and punche staples in the folds. Remove the zine with the staples carefully (it’s gonna be stapled to the corkboard after all) and bend the staple “legs” to close them.

For a specific recommendation, check capacle’s Everspark, MRDR HOBO’s Noctis Labyrinth, Wendy’s Here There be Monsters, Guax’s Míni BX, Emanuel Melo’s CBR+PNK, Armanda’s Brumal/Vernal… There’s a whole bunch more XD

I fucking love this.

Hi! There is no file!

I will aet this aside to ready later, thank you!


Thank you! I will!

It’s great to see these games here!

I’ve bought my copy from the website, I was wondering if I could get it here too, please!

The web app is awesome. It deserves a feature to one-click copy a aection. It would be helpful for solo play as well as adventure prep.

It’s not possible to automatically notify anyone over community copies on itch. As for messaging people individually, that’s untenable for creators on the long term. Keep coming back and from time to time you’ll see some and hopefully get one.

Well, Imma write an adventure module for it, actually! Just started the intro for it and all :)

The post-it and the tile doodle modules do fine if you want to get to the closer experience of drawing stars on post-its :)

So everspark jam when?

Here’s another bit.

1 is always an encounter. The more lines you have on the Spark, the bigger or meaner the encounter.


  1. Giant rabid rat
  2. Swarm of 1d6+1 rabid rats
  3. A sole plaguemonger, looking for vermin to infect
  4. Rat king, rabid, ravenous
  5. 1d6 plaguemongers + 1d6 obedient rabid rats
  6. The Rabid Mother, whose misery we shall know

So if I have a spark with 3 lines in and roll 1, I’ll find the spark plaguemonger.

If I fill the apark and roll 5, I get entry 5, but if I run 6 I get a surprise early encou ter with the dungeon tyrant, the Plague Mother.

The idea is to scaffold as much info in as few rolls as possible.

I hope it’s, clear, hit me up with questions :)

I thought of another use for sparks for games like cairn and so on

Consider the event table:


Now, we run the basic spark procedure as usual. Let’s name our Spark “Dungeon Events”

The difference is, every line I add, unlocks a event from the table. So at 1 I am going to get an encounter if I roll 1, but if I have 4 lines and roll 3, I get the entry number 3 from the table.

Now, what happens if I marked all 5 lines and roll a 6? I suppose some majour event such as encountering a BBEG or something.

I’ll test it and let you know how it went :)

I just read Lucas Rolim’s Mini BX, which uses a dice chain mechanic instead of tracking hp.

I figured the mechanic would work very well for brighter wrlds in a way that is both more intuitive and dangerous:

If you take damage to an ability, roll that ability die. If the damage goes over the result, step down the die size and roll the new die against the remaining damage. Keep at it until there is no damage left, or until you run out of ability dice.

You know, you put together such a handy little aid by exemplifying encounters under each box that I can use those to come up with things on the fly if I feel like it.

(1 edit)

Not only for printing though! Besides I wouldn’t get the white fields :D

Edit: but I think I could edit that myself. Don’t worry about it :)

It’s beautiful! If it’s not too much to ask, could you include the pink variant from the project cover pic? :)

Foundry module when? XD

I’d love to see planescape and even other non deeandee related settings :D

Eu pensando que já te seguia!

This is nice! Plenty of good entries :)

I could use numbering on the random tables but since I have the rtf file I can do that myself. Good job!

(hey there are no links! ;) )

Oh yeah! This one is GREAT!

This is awesome! I’ll try it out!

As the title says! This is a much needed tool, thanks for making it!

The niche is real!!! :D

hey, I am happy someone finds value in something here, thanks so much for the kind message :)

This is fun!


This is brilliant and imma sitbdoen to play with it in a bit.

Request for a linux version!

Does it book mark pages too?


Oh, I just remebebered about Kismet and I think NPC+ and Kismet would just go great together!

Fantastic! I am a fan of your designs by the way!!!

For games like Cairn and Into the Odd, where there are no bonuses or modifiers to roll, what would you suggest to adapt this module? It’s excellent by the way!

Just as an interesting bit of trivia that not many people realize: the hero’s journey is a useful template for storytelling but it’s absolute BS that white dude pulled out of his hat and made every other story and myth retro-fit with every possible misogynistic undertone he could load into it :D

Regardless! I’m looking forward to having a read at this :)

Oh OK! Thanks!

(there is no download button!)

gone to the Database!

Não tem link!

Heck yeah!