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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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I had a lot of fun, this was dope. Can't wait for chapter 2

Haha this was awesome! I recorded myself playing, but honestly I sat slack jawed the whole time just concentrating so I don't think I'll upload it lmao. Good work. Agree with what someone else here said that the click menu thing was a bit clunky, but otherwise fun!

Holy crap. This is awesome. It reminds me of playing OoA and OoS for the first time as a kid.

Awesome possum! Looking forward to the next release

Wow! This is freaking cool! I am excited to see where this leads. It's obviously still in need of polish but not a bad start! The opening was interesting, I like the sort of environmental storytelling thing you are trying for so far and this was a good demonstration of the games intended mechanics! The camera controls can be a bit wonky and the movement can be a bit loose, but overall I enjoyed it!

This was freakin hilarious dude. Love the meta commentary thing and still pretty scary

This was freakin fun! I loved it haha, I kinda wish there were more coin quests

Yeah haha I sorta got into a panic from all the scary games I was playing. That's my bad!

Oh really? I will have to play it then!!! I'll go back and see it. But for real, I love puzzle games like this.

This was great haha! The cameraman scared the shit outta me and this kept me nervous the whole time. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this one! 
Did a video with it if ya feel like watchin! (Yours is at 8:19)

Dude freaking awesome as usual. I thought I recognized the style in this one! Keep up the amazing work my dude. 

Did a video with it if ya feel like watching it! (Yours is at 15:23)

This was great! Short and sweet, the voice acting was great, and I'd love more! 

Did a video with it! It's at 12:36

This was freakin fun! I wish there was more. I love puzzles and the timeloop didn't take away the rushed feeling I had while playing. Good work!! 

Here's a vid of me playing. Yours is the first on in the vid:

This was freakin great. I loved every second of it. I wish there were a few more choices along the way, but overall great work. Can't wait to check out what else ya got! 


This was super fun! Both hilarious and horrifying.

This was super freakin fun. I can't wait for future updates

Wow, absolutely terrible. Went ahead and gave the twitter a follow! Love the game

This was freakin amazing and so hilarious. I loved it. Here's a link to the video I did.

Dude this was fuckin horrifying. Loved every second of it. You really built a great atmosphere that didn't rely on jumpscares or anything. I would love to see more.

This game was awesome! Very creepy and fun. I really hope you expand it into a full game because that'd be dope. 

This was heckin fun! Had some notes but they're in the video:

WOW. This was freaking AWESOME. It was short but oh so rewarding. You guys are amazing because you didn't rely on the crutch that like every horror game creator relies on now. The Jumpscare. There were no real jumpscares here, it relied solely on atmosphere and creature design and it was fantastic.