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A member registered Apr 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yes absolutely. I tried getting around this by only adding tiles with more land on left click, but I think the tuning could have been a lot more aggressive here. Thanks for playing though, I hope you still enjoyed your time :)

Hahah congratz! Despite it being "endless", I think I can safely say that you have beaten the game :D

thank you!

Thank you. I also wish I had a bit more time to add elements. I spent too long figuring out how to implement a WFC algorithm for this tileset. Maybe I'll add some more bits and bobs at some point :) 

Thank you for playing! Agreed, the art is beautiful. I got it from Cup Nooble's art pack if you're interested:

This was great! The shop was a bit confusing to use at first but the game was fun!

Thanks for playing my game! It's more of a tech demo at this point as I didn't get too far. Still hope you enjoyed clicking around a bit :)