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A member registered Aug 26, 2023

Recent community posts

So thats why a lot seems similar, W friendship

Cant wait for next update. The game is rlly similar to That New Teacher, ik both games made a cross-over in the new update too, nice stuff!

Are you going to add sound effects? I feel that it kinda needs it but not necessarily. Otherwise, I love this game!!!!!!

W game, W strory, W updates, W devs, amazing everything!

Cant wait

Very promising gameplay

I thought it was releasing today...

Cmoooooon few hrs left maybe

Np, just take your time, I know it'll end up nicely

This game is simply amazing, but I'm wondering when you'll add sound effects and different sound tracks for certain situations


Thats reasonable and a rlly good idea. GL on ur journey, I'll trust u cook up sum nice with this game

I would suggest you introduce a new character after completing certain quests. Or add corruption (even though its technically there as lust) that progresses after making some choices. Other than that, its your choice and ik you'll cook up a good one each update. Btw, just oooone more question, how long do you want gameplay to be if you end up finishing the game completely? As in how far do you expect to keep updating this game?

About to play, hope its good

Lets goooooooo, We waited, lets see what they cooked up in ren'py

2 weeks but worth the wait

This game is awesome, I want to ask what you plan to add in the next update

 Can you make a quest system, because everything is just either searching for how to continue or doing it yourself randomly

Thanks, you cooked up a masterpiece, story and content is just top notch, best quality, cant wait what you're been working on these couple of months now.

When is the next update? This games amazing

Bro when is episode 7

Looking cool bro keep it up. I love your games so much.

Best game I've ever played, cant wait for day 5

Already cant wait for day 5

Is it like immediately on the 11th or some hours after 12am?

Cant wait

When is the new years update coming out?

When could 0.8.0 release?

Whens the next update gonna come out?

Absolutely love this game

I cant wait for future updates, this game is cool. Btw, no offence but the class president girl's nose isnt that cool/attractive looking. Just to let you know, not to mean you should change it, just giving comment.

So does v5.0 just end where the girl insists on being class president? Or am I missing something else

Damn, hopefully 0.5.0 is released soon, this games cool