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A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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I will keep making this thread longer by saying Idk what I'm supposed to do, I circled around all of 5-D and I don't understand what to do, so maybe a task system or a nav system might come in handy sometimes later.

I honeslty don't remember. I usually just experiment and search till I find the right line cause they're names are all jumbled abyways

I've already noticed a problem with the fuel:
If you're, just like me, at 97% fuel levels (idk why I didn't get to 100%) the generator won't activate and you'll just get stuck there)

The customer's always right though. I would also be annoyed if I paid 8$ to then get nothing.

but you're also the only guy that prices them this high, while also making a boat load of said games. I bought others from here AND on steam for far lower than 18.99. Also the trailer doesn't show any gameplay either other than low fps camera rotations, that might be my clue to not trust a purchase.

how is this 18.99, I bought Doom 2016 at 4.99

came for the boobs, stayed for the biblically accurate bar

I've encountered some broken stuff as well after playing for a bit ,like: the game freezing, crashing and sometimes wiping saves if I try to close the window and the impossibility to going back to either the apartments or the main menu after selecting or creating a character.

The game also became very slow once again, in the old 0.5 version this was mitigated by having the back alley shop to buy food and badges from. This added to the game crashing wiping 5 hours of money grinding kind of removed all my excitement in playing it.

is losing 100 hp every 5 seconds a set in stone feature? I just played for the first time, all I got from the chests was a single apple and so I died at the second room. Also, fighting enemies seems more of a waste in terms of time other than anything else

I would have first worked on an enjoyable game cycle and then worked on the customization

I'm afraid the 2 star review was because of the slow development and nigh unplayable state of what I'd call tech demo. Can't even remember when I last played it but I'm afraid that I'm on point about the reviews

I've seen a lot of additions to the town, but it seems that none of the people nor the building added to the last update are interactable as of yet

is there any way to restart the lever if one was to become stuck

another promising project left to rot

Idk what I should have done, but after completely filling up the stomach bar and keeping to shoot at the dragoness I still lost... And I don't plane to spend another 10 minutes for the same game loop

got like 3 cakes, offering them to anyone crashes the game

can't even get rid of the cakes

ok nothing changed, I got a task where I have to go through a run without losing any stat value, but increasing them also counts as failure, so I am now soft-locked with one task

As the title says. I cannot use Paypal to buy the games I had found on the site.  Also tried to add my card through the settings, but since it's a Maestro it doesn't get recognized by website itself, so for now I'm grounded

It happened with multiple tasks, what appeared to be the cause was that in the "have a turn without decreasing <value> (mostly willpower) the task would be counted as a failure even if the certain <value> was to be increased

Tasks are broken, whatever I choose willpower goes down even if the choice indicates that Willpower will go up, so I am softlocked without having the ability to reroll tasks or getting more buffs


If you had taken a second to check the other comments you'd have known that unfortunately CreatureUnknown, who would be the developer of this, has recently passed.

Please remain civil.

Are you perhaps talking about Gains of Life?

As the other person said, the bat can be influenced through Peaches and just like her there's also the green creature (idk what that is supposed to be)next to the sewer dungeon entrance(which requires you to have some already absorbed essences) which in return for "curing" you will gice essences of growth, then there's the various companions which grow everytime you defeat them, some static bosses like the Beast and the Bandit Boss, 

Have you looked a bit in the Ability tab that is right next to the normal Level Up tab? Because most of said abilities are usually god sends for defeating stronger enemies. If also you've never gone out of the town I'd suggest to do so, since there's the fruit tree to get permanent stat buffs, as well as there being, outside the second wall, of the most useful companions (in my opinion) since it comes with the ability to make you grow bigger as the battle goes on. For the weapons the ones I do use the most are the "broken sword"(that you get at game start) since it gives more xp, the "broken essence of growth"(which I believe you get the most in the fake dungeon(go straight from the entrance to the town) and the cathedral-like dungeon(the one on the far left of the map), and the size sword(which you can get by killing some of the enemies that hide inside the bushes. 

And if you ever need more help, buy some growth multipliers and some size potions, they usually do help out a ton)


You go in GrowthRPG/Saved/SaveGame, get the save file that you intend modify, and then drag-n-drop it on the Save Editor page, then it's just a job of actually figuring out which of the 43 PAGES of variables is the one you actually wan to change without breaking the rest of the game

This is already hard to process to some on the machine itself. A browser game is womething usually light that the browser itself can process. Now this is the opposite.

If you know what you're doing you can always make use of stuff like CheatEngine, Save Editor or the in-game console. I did try it with Save Editor and gave myself 1000000 levels but it just became boring.

Can't wait for more updates...
If it's not too much to ask, the maximum weights and expansions that the PC can get up to right now have already been set to be the preferred ones, or are them just a placeholder in case we don't get too big for the system to process it?

If you use Joyplay on Android while downloading the Windows version from here you can play it, as Joyplay is literally an emulator for RPGmaker games.

Will write here as well as in the bug report. I've been stuck at the choclate factory maze up to this point for a bug, that was apparently signal before as well, about the supposed timer that has been set for the 2 levers' floor. As this point in time, it is impossible to complete that floor whatever time it may tae the player. 

A suggestion to solve the issue might also be a change from a timer to a check in the player's weight, where if it crosses a certain number (or level) it trigger the specail event.