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A member registered Feb 05, 2017

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on the hunting seguls I wouldnt get add a bow but just make it so were you have to through spears at it

Add a back pack that requires 20 thatch and 8 string idk why those numbers but yea the thatch acts like the fabric the backpack is made of and the string is for the straps and to tie it together. And since its made of leaves when there is scrap metal is should have the risk of cutting open the bag and dropping the items.

Add spike to add to the edge of the foundation that hurts the shark and causes it to swim away but the spike also have a low durability so after a shark attacks it twice it breaks and the player should also get hurt from it if we touch it. Also add more objects like fences and smaller walls. also a slider that lets you limit your fps so people don't overwork their graphics cards

thats alot to ask for a unity game

same mine started to look like a stick after a while and when i made a new spear it did the same thing

yea they need to add a fps slider, Idk if this works but if you have fraps it can lock fps at 60 so

After a while when I used a spear it just looked like a stick so i threw it out and made a new one and it was still a stick and i couldnt hit the shark with it