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A member registered Apr 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yes, I've just been unable to access for a while.  I'll make a blog post soon with information.

Codex and Rewrite Update is still being worked on, John rewrites almost completed.  Episode 10 is moving forward slowly but moving.  There's been a lot of IRL stuff and Art/Written Commissions taking up some time as of late.
But, still working on it all.
Hope that helps,

Both male and female MCs are possible.

Higher tiers of Patrons have access to an exclusive in game gallery, and all patrons have one scene in the most recent episode that is exclusive.   That exclusive scene will unlock for everyone once the next episode comes out.
Hope that helps.

Auto-forward should stop if you click in the main screen.  Though auto forwarding should not be on unless you clicked Auto in the lower right. 


just saw this, I do plan on working on an Android version once Season 1 is complete.


(1 edit)

We will definitely be posting here, but keep in mind that them being redone is a couple years away.

Episode 1 and 2 are a bit rougher, but not 'bad' per se, just undercooked as many intro episodes to a new series are.

Forced and Cruel?  It's been a long time, but if it's come across that way, that was not intentional.  Episode 1 though is a lot  older and a lot rougher in terms of writing and art and... well, everything.  It's definitely on the list to rewrite it and Episode 2 before the eventual steam release.

Thanks for the kind words.  Not at all abandoned, just work is very slow (This is mostly a solo project and I am a new stay at home parent with a second job outside this one, needless to say, I don't get as much time to work on SI as I'd like, but Episode 9 is almost done, John Alpha coming in the next week or so for Patrons).

It's something I'll consider for a possible rewrite in the future.

(1 edit)

Hardly stolen from anywhere.  Our logo music is a piece called blood stain from used under license and listed in the credits of the game (though I do not think they list the file currently in their catalog, they did in 2015 when we started using it).

Since we're hotlinking to for the download (due tot he size) some browsers think it's a popup and block it.  If it still refuses to download try directly from

Thank you for the kind words.  As for your wish, I've tried to not mess too much with the save/load system for fear of breaking it, however, this is getting to the point where it should be looked into.  I will dig into this after Episode 9 is out but can't make any guarantees.

I can't explain it either, but if I go into incognito mode and try and download it throws up a blocked popup (even though all we're essentially doing it hotlinking from the site to the download on  I would imagine that most games on are small enough to be hosted internally, SI has a lot of art and music in it and is just going to grow bigger (I will admit I have not checked if the current version of the publicly available game (where we compressed the images and the audio) is withing the limit, but earlier versions certainly were not.)

Maybe?  However, honestly it would be a 'bad end' considering what we're doing at the end of Season 1 and what Season 2 is going to be about.  That said, maybe that is a choice some Commanders would make.  I'll think it over (it's not going to be in Episode 9 though, that much I know.)

If is having problems try downloading directly from, but I can't seem to find any link issue with or any problem with the downloads through here.

The only thing it might be is that some browsers consider it a pop-up to download through and is blocking the pop-up (and some browsers do not tell you all that clearly) this is because the game is too large for and is hosted on our servers.

I cannot explain this, I just tried it and it downloads for me just fine.

After Season 1 is completed, yes.

After Episode 9 is out the door I plan on adding this in, a basic codex like Mass Effect has (though doubtful it will be voiced).

Thank you for the kind words.


Seems to work now, might have just been a hiccup in the server.

Thank you, we look forward to delivering them.

(1 edit)


Thank you for the kind words.  Glad you have enjoyed it and love the breakdown between VN and Adventure.  Q is definitely an inspiration for Arkol in Episode 5 in ways.

As for your gripe... it bothers me too, but I have to program and do all the artwork and write everything.  That includes a lot of late night and a lot of tired writing (especially now with Episode 9 with a newborn in the house and a second job).

The next Patreon goal is to bring my long standing editor for the Starship Inanna short stories in and having him take a pass on the code and everything to get rid of those pesky errors.

Hope that helps.


Thank you for the kind words.

The divergence will resolve in the next couple episodes, but the choice will have ramifications past Episode 11 into Season 2, just not as divergent as two whole storylines per episode.

And of course characters will remember the choices too so even if it's not massive changes in the plot they will still react differently based on past events they had to live though.

And there's always going to be other divergences in the future.

Hope that helps.


Plenty more options coming in Episode 9.  Just lots of Real Life in the way of production this year.

Not always, but I try to when it makes sense these days :)

Thank you :)


Episode 9 will be out when it's done, can't be more exact than that right now (though there is light at the end of the tunnel after a long time of just adjusting to this new normal we all live in).

Real life has severely hampered development with the pandemic messing up my family and schedule, I have a kid who will be born soon and that brings it's own problems and reduces time to work, and lastly I had to pick up a side job because of the pandemic and having a kid on the way.  Still working on this though, not going to stop working on Starship Inanna any time soon, we're already working on Season 2 plans after all.  But life has reduced the amount of time I can just pump every day into this game like I have done before.

Hope that helps.

I use short scale in writing numbers.  Sixty million is 60,000,000... Sixty Million Thousand would be would be 60,000,000,000 (at least from my research here:  Strange how language can dictate numbers so differently.
In this case we're using a measure of roughly three times the speed of light (which we are decelerating to from a higher speed).
Hope that helps, sorry for the confusion.
Also thank you for the trip down memory lane, it's been a long time since I had someone comment on Episode 1 stuff.

Not at this time, but after Season 1 is done it's in the cards.

I have considered it, I think I'd want to give Episode 1 and 2 a new coat of paint and tighten up some of the writing in those episodes before I hit an audience that big.  Get better first impressions and all.  Might start that repainting process when we hit the next Patreon goal and I can afford to bring on JamieH for more time so he can work on the script editing.

Apologies for that, it should be working now, it was pointing to an old file.

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Sadly, no, there is no way to change appearance.  Due to the nature of the game (the fact it is all pre-rendered, and even then, not in a 'paper-doll' way like most VNs) makes it very time consuming to offer those options. I understand that desire, but I just do not have the manpower, CPU power, nor the time to re-render every image of the player character with different looks.

My next project does have a bit more player character variety, the player can choose between three ethnicities and three genders.  That's the benefit of going in with it planned, but when I started SI I was just starting out with rendering and didn't want to bite off more than I could chew out the gate.

So, all that said, for Starship Inanna, it is not in the cards at this time.  However, if/when I go back to remake Episodes 1 and 2 it may be something I will do.  I can't promise I will, but I would like to, I'll have to see how much time it would take.


Thank you for the kind words BlueFlamingNinja.  Episode 9 is quite large, much like episode 8 was (since it's two distinct paths again)  Speaking of which you played both paths through Episode 8 in 20-30 minutes?  Remember the choice in Episode 5 drastically changes the path you are on in episode 8.

(Also sorry it took so long for me to respond).

(2 edits)

Huh, I've not had that reported yet for E7 (or at all).  Let me look into this.

Okay, since that is a main story scene and I've not had that ever been reported before, I am inclined to think it might be an issue with a driver or incompatibility on your PC.  You are not alone in this though, a check of the Renpy forums do show a few others do have this from time to time but it is pretty rare.  Usually it's reported as a problem with video drivers, so make sure those are up to date.  Another solution you can try is to press SHIFT+G and selecting a different rendering mode.

If neither of those resolves it, please let me know, I will dig into it further.


Yes, sorry, forgot to check the box.

Thank you justmen (can't believe I missed this comment for months).  Episode 8 is around the corner.

Thank you for the kind words beefr.  We've got plenty more coming too, Episode 8 is almost in alpha testing (missing a lot of images but that's being worked on as we speak).  So, stay tuned I guess :)

It was great fun, Thank you kindly.

The game is not as adult as other games (we're kinda balanced between mainstream serious sci-fi and adult sci-fi, the main focus here is always universe and story before we work on sex at all), relationships/couples in the game are M/F, M/M, F/F, M/H, and F/H.  Sex acts present are generally more vanilla-ish, but we do have a lot of oral sex, some cum play, anal, a foot fetish scene, some light bondage, and some mind control.  Every scene is optional though (in fact sometimes you get more plot not doing the sex scenes).
Hope that helps answer your question.

Thank you for playing and letting us know how much you have enjoyed the game :)