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A member registered Nov 04, 2019

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Well, I have tried to implement this myself. However, I do not see it ever working as it conflicts with the (atleast mine) Maybe I'll have to wait for Aric next update. I'll keep trying to see if I can get it through, maybe you can help put a guide where goes where because at least I tried to put it where it suppose to be it, the first time it conflicted with the actual Aric Script than it conflicted with For the mean time, I'll just have to find the gad dang ghost babies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I don't think it's that, I did actually have two kids as I open the relative menu of the kids related and it seems like two of them do exist. However the second child is no where to be seen. It might be another bug possibly.

So, I have a problem that follows up with the pregnancy system. So one of my slave's happened to have twins  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but for some reason the second child just randomly disappeared. I don't know if it's a bug that Deviate has said before and or it's just me going wack. A response would be nice  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Hmm, will this game being to get an update soon? It felt as like a year has gone by for this game (literal). I'm a big fan as I have played Lust Doll Plus as well as your games have a lot of potential to be waited for. So when I came to Rainy Skies, it felt almost the same as Lust Doll Plus and as I know that your working very hard on that when is this one getting update so we can move forward in this too ;)

You'll have to fight the Manticore a few times and get ahem "Poisoned" after you keep fighting her she will tell you all the details you'll need to know and once you get there you can get the lovey dovey Manticore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I will keep in them in a list that I have encountered in the game that has happened to me before or just plain site me watching it happening in front of my eyes for no reason.

1) I encountered this bug when I was equipping the harem set on one of the girls (Kay I know right go figure.) If I stayed on the around the controller logs fixing everybody up and I go back to go do something for them one of the girls (aka Kay) would glitch out of existence and unfortunately crashing my game if I decide to either like back out or If I manage do to get out of the menu and I leave an area I would be stuck in limbo loading screen.

2) This is also preceded from the bug of #1. Since I did have a save file when I barely got out and i saved which was a bad idea don't do it.  I tried to go to bed and I crash. I believe, as I stated is coming from #1 from that harem set bug, It seems that it has to something with Kay within her clothing code of some sort.

3) Kay is just broken, alright I'll be honest. You go to her house to request some sexy time, and when shes doing it she phases out of existence. I don't know if just anyone else besides me but that just wack.  I did encounter the "phasing out of existence" too with some of the other women's as well that you can add to the harem.

4) When your carrying Sarah is it a bug or feature if you go slow? If you do go slow, what happens if you fast or very fast? I tested and you stay the same speed.... I don't know if this a feature or a bug. Imma just say that its a feature ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Dang if that's the case she very thicc as a young loli ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

5) There is the crack in the middle of the square that you can't walk through, however you can walk through some others as well. I don't know if you intended this a feature or a bug you just missed (aka the one where Lena and Elaine talk to the old nice lady in the middle of the town square)

6) I forgot to post this while I posting this entire thing, there is also objects that you can walk through in the mansion and or some places that don't make sense its like you phasing out of existence.

Overall, great game I love besides some random bugs here and there (I know its not perfect but we teh community are here to help for ahem "Education" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) I'll report more bugs if I do encounter it in the game some more. (Aka, I kinda got to the level 3 endings already. and got the harem ending as well you know the big bulge and yes this how much I dedicated to this game my latest was like almost 8 - 9 hrs and that's exploring the entire game at this stage )

This is for ver 023c btw ;) I see that you had 0.24d up so ;) just in case you encounter them