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A member registered Jun 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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My name is Tom Wilcox, after finishing the game, I couldn't, NOT leave a review. I really liked it, the characters and models were really cool but the dialogue was by-far my favorite. If you ever have the need for an extra hand with scripting, feel free to reach out! I mean, we're pretty much family.

I don't know why but I am unable to stop playing..... I just noticed its on mobile too. My poor battery, it'll never know what hit it. 

This is so much fun and executed beautifully. Some of the best games are very simple to learn but impossible to master. There is one problem with that formula these days, most of those types have been done to death, even beyond death and desecration. 

This is amazing and I am going to plug the hell out of this and send as much traffic here as I am humanly able to. 

Keep up the amazing work!

I just want to say, I have ALWAYS tried so HARD to remember the pattern I see when you stare at just a plain white wall, or a popcorn ceiling. The desert dunes pattern, perfect. Brought a smile to my face seeing that again since its been about 8 or 9 years since a good dose. Love the game guys, keep up the good work!