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A member registered Oct 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Have you ever played Dark Souls my good UnderTale fellow?

I want to like this game, but it's insanely easy. I haven't died once, the game is incredibly unfinished, and the world hitboxes are incredibly strange.
The only thing the game does well is the combat, which is stiff, but in that weighty kind of way, while still managing to be fun. But it's super easy, and that's really unfortunate. Again, I want to like this game, but because of all of the bugs (Like the ability to shoot things from a lower level without them reacting, trivializing the combat) are too much to ignore. If this game got updated or improved, I'd probably bump it up, but for now, 4/10

This is why Windows is superior. Join the dark side

okay maybe for a cheese toasty

let him make his cheese sandwich >:(


(1 edit)

Hello there. I was simplepixelz. Now I'm Wrong Side Studios. We're -me and a friend- are a two man studio. Now. Cya! Great job on the game by the way, I love it! I still play it from time to time.

thank you dude. I don't have any games tho. Planning to make a left 4 dead 2d fangame.