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A member registered Jun 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Already signed up to the mailing list! Hooray for more districts, my players really enjoyed lowlives in general

Is there going to be a 12th neighborhood guide? Also are there plans to release all of them in a bundle? Itch makes it a pain to buy 11 seperate things

This was fun! Ended up with some cool synergy by spending magic to gain resources to gain back magic! Made me feel clever :D

neat concept. lil difficult to tell when/how the zombies are attacking and which bits

ending got me good, well played

This is fun! was going really well until I went down some stairs right into a turret haha

Pages is adorable, they are a kindred spirit!

Level 15 made me laugh out loud, this was fun

PDF seems to be currently 0 bytes, is this an issue w the pdf or an itch bug?

Simple and moreish! Are there any plans to add any extra types of dice or ones with different weights?

This looks amazing! I love the art!

I love the class concepts! I always find they add so much flavour and depth

These are intense questions. I look forward to being able to use them!