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A member registered Sep 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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ok first off great game but the issue the lag at per spot happened i tried changing the settings fixed the speed issue but the lag happens its like a smooth lag instead of a freeze lag 

unless thats one of the bugs i do not know died to the very attractive lizard 

awesome ill play the demo and see what i think first

so i was wondering when will this game be like Free instead of pay to play because i do not wanna pay for every update it gets so maybe a  free version would be nice

hey bud uh just gonna say this but i will be playing the steam version non stop 


when it does come out i will be finding secrets and mucking around and probably dying alot just like my first time playing it which while i wait i can play the itch version to hype me up even more 

will we have sandbox mode? i kinda want a sandbox mode not gonna lie

hm something is a foot

hm so a rework release update and a new game huh

alright im still hyped as ever 

when is the steam version gonna be buyable where i am its feb 19th 

count down? til stream version =3

is this safe

will there be a free uncensored version for free?

hey I'm from steam and ARE WE getting blend in as in walking around with them? as in disguises IF SO THEN WOW also how much will the game be if it will be a paid thing 

thanks just wanted to know 

question will this version the paid version be like the full game?

i came from Steam to here 

i am so gonna progress and muck around 

is this vr and non vr or just vr?

when you have the idea to see the funny side of cute games

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is it safe to download because i will look up games i like or want to try so i find a video 

edit: never mind i found the video

i can not wait also question will it be free? if not i do not mind 

if we do on steam i am so gonna be excited 

wait wait wait what does Digues yourself to walk among the girls MEAN IF WE GET TO nah if we do i am gonna be speechless

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awww thats a shame i really liked the game well if it stays off steam i can always come here

but is it weird that it did this to only your game along with another i had in my wishlist

what happened to the Steam Version

hm ill see if i can play it

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would of been better if it was free and a ACUTAL GAME

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ok Dev the power isn't the issue its the fact that the flashlight is linked to that and the animatronic ai programming is useless like i died twice by Bonfie and Chiku the task system is useless too 

can't leave once i do my tasks that's abit harsh like what not have it like optional do tasks 

task list survive until six and when it reaches six am the animatronics shut down like seriously it is a great game but just the flashlight linked to the power

the charger in a bathroom which could be any where like the office or inside a vent that's also the other issue

but please change it up the mechanics are fine just the task the power linkage the girls not shutting down at 6 am 

the task required to leave the building when all done should be removed im sorry but it is annoying how i am failing 

but if the finale rework of the game gets better then this I'll be glad

i think it's likely on hold for the moment I am gonna see if I can spam couch since I'm stuck on night two i believe

we need a run game mod able version on here just like the normal one 


wait you can clip through walls in that

plus it would make it easier just like how over night 2 had a night secltion

ok night five I'm stuck on my strat check Fexa only is just IMPOSSABLE when if you close both doors and check her the power goes down faster

time to put my Strat to work once more for real this time

not even a game just a picture giver 

ok it doesnt run

is this safe to download