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A member registered May 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I tried really hard to make sure the perspective/ angles were appealing and I'm glad it worked out! I can only hope you enjoy what else I have in store for you in future updates! <3

Awww thank you so much! You're so incredibly sweet! Creating a VN from scratch is an entirely new territory for me, so I really appreciate all of your patience as I grow, learn, and improve the game! 

And I'm so glad you enjoyed Garret's seaside route! I took a little extra time trying to figure out the audio mixing for a few scenes, but I'm glad it seemed to pay off in the end! 

I'm a huge proponent of the butterfly effect in VNs, so even though it's extra work, I love coming up with a few alternative routes so it really feels like your choices actually matter. 

Thank you again for your comment and I really hope you enjoy what I have in store for the future! <3

Thank YOU for playing! I'm so happy you're enjoying it so far! <3 

Fortunately, you might just get what you wish for in the next update. ;) And yes! Both Garret and Teagan are considered Yanderes, though both are coming at it from completely different viewpoints haha. 

Thank you so much for the incredibly kind words about the characters and artwork! I did my absolute best to nail down their expressions and it fills me with joy that I was able to convey their affections to you. 

I think that's a wonderful description of Rita! She would absolutely love a big hug ( or several) from you. I totally feel your pain about lying to her though, I know I would if I were in your shoes. Is she disappointed? Sure, but she won't hold it against you. Though in some cases that only makes you feel worse...

Thank you so much for the detailed comment! I love hearing your thoughts about the game and it really motivates me when people care enough about it to comment! <3 

Awww! That's so sweet! I'm really glad that you find it comforting, though I'm not sure how long it'll stay that way with the coming updates haha. And don't you worry, you're in Marcelo's thoughts too! ;)

Thank you so much for your kind words! I have a similar penchant for yandere characters and it means a lot to know that someone who shares my passion enjoys what I've created so far! <3

(1 edit)

OMG Thank you so much for not only taking the time to play/review my game, but to make a whole video about it! I'm so honored that you enjoyed it so much! It was a blast watching your reactions to the characters, backgrounds (lol), and the memes/jokes were great! I can only hope that you enjoy the future installments just as much as you've liked everything so far! <3

Hi there! Yes, all Patreon tried get access to the Patreon exclusive in game cgs and extra content.

Thank you so much for commenting! I'm so glad that you enjoyed day 2 and are looking forward to the next update! Unfortunately there isn't a current release date for the next update. I would love to get it out before the end of the year, but given how busy work/life has been on my end it's hard to commit to a timeline at this stage. Once I get closer to release I'll announce it on my socials, so if you haven't already I'd recommend following me there!

You are so incredibly sweet! Thank you for not only giving Crimson Hydrangea a try, but for posting such an in depth look into your thoughts and feelings about all of the characters! I'm so happy that you've enjoyed all of the CGs and characters that I've created and picked up on how varied they are personality wise.  I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed the drama at the docks! I kept going back and forth on it and your comment reassured me that I made the right choice.

It also fills my heart to hear that you enjoy just how much of a hot mess Garret can be when it comes to anything that involves you and only you. Usually his social mask is firmly in place, however every time he spends time with you it's starting to crack more and more revealing the imperfect person he's tried to hide and get rid of his entire life. 

Thank you again for your incredibly thoughtful and generous feedback! It really does bring a smile to my face and motivates me to keep going! <3<3<3

Aww! Thank you so much! It really means a lot to hear you acknowledge all of the hard work I put into Day 2 and revamping Day 1! 

To answer your question, currently there are no plans in the main game to reveal what he originally wrote to you.  However, I might consider making a few short stories for each of the characters if people are interested. One of which could potentially answer this question.  >u> 

Haha no worries! In future days you'll be able to see Teagan as well, though I can't promise they'll be as "pleasant" as Day 2's reunion was. ; )

Hello there! Thank you so much for checking out Crimson Hydrangea and leaving a comment! As someone who is also very anxious and responsible, I completely understand your plight and my heart goes out to you. <3 

Unfortunately when it comes to Day 2, you'll have to choose between helping Rita or going to the seashore. Because of time and story constraints, there currently isn't a plan to be able to do both activities in Day 2.

That being said, in Day 3, you WILL have the option to go to the beach/ seashore in at least 2 of the routes/options. Technically, you should be able to  explore/get both of the options even if you helped Rita in Day 2. However, they will depend on a few other actions/ questions in the game, but I won't say much more in fear of spoiling what I have planned haha. 

Aren't we all yandere trash? I know I certainly am! I hope you enjoyed Day 2 and finally meeting Teagan! Regardless if you liked them, at least you still have Garret and Marcelo who are both more than willing to fight for your attention. ; )

Thank you so much for your sweet comment! It really brightens my day to know that a VN enthusiast enjoys my game and looks forward to seeing more. : ) 

Don't worry, you're making him feel a LOT of stuff too. ; )

Awww! Thank you so much, I appreciate the high praise. I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far!

Thank you so much for your support and  mostly positive feedback!

I also really appreciate you taking the time and noting a few issues you noticed during your play through, especially in such a respectful manner! I went ahead and took a closer look at everything you listed and I think I resolved most ( if not all ) of the issues you ran into. At the very least, Marcelo's back and a few grammatical and name "signs/labels" have been fixed. 

Since I'm doing all of the work on my own, I'm bound to make mistakes here and there. Your comment was immensely helpful and I'll make sure pay closer attention moving forward. Thank you so much for your input and support!

Great question! I do plan on including all of in game patreon content in the final paid version of the game. As for price, I haven't quite figured it out just yet. I want to make sure that the amount of content matches whatever price I end up settling on for CH. I'm still a long ways away from completing it, so final pricing is on the back burner for now. Once we get closer to completion I'll give it a bit more thought!

I’m so glad you’re enjoying it so far! Thank you so much for leaving a comment and letting me know about that error. I’ll  go back in and fix that asap! 

Thank you so much! I don't have an exact date in mind, but I will say that it should come out sometime next month. ; ) 

Yes! Though, in some cases during day 3+ you might lose out on a bit of story and character lore if you do end up skipping the nsfw scenes. Regardless, there will be an option to skip the more sexual scenes.

Thank you so much for your incredibly sweet and kind comment! I'm so happy to hear that Rita and Marcelo have found their way into your heart. <3

Thankfully you won't have to wait too much longer for Day 2 to come out so you can learn more about the characters and finally meet Teagan. 

Thank you again for commenting and supporting my efforts! It really does mean a lot to me and motivates me to keep going! 

Correct! While Teagan doesn't make a physical appearance in Day 1,  they will on Day 2 and on. Of course, whether or not you'll actually see/encounter them in Day 2 will heavily depend on your choices and which route you take.  I would HIGHLY recommend checking out all of the routes in Day 2 when it does come out. ; )

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for your incredibly sweet and kind comment! It really means a lot to me to hear that you're enjoying the game so far and want more content! Fortunately there's a lot more content coming soon with the Day 2 update. <3 

Thank you so much for your kind and incredibly thoughtout comment! It's so nice to hear that you're really enjoying Marcelo, Camilla and Rita! <3

And don't you worry,  you'll be able to see just how toxic both Garret and Teagan are sooner rather than later. ;)

Thank you again for your lovely words! It truly does motivate me to keep going if I know you enjoy it and are interested in seeing more! <3

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for such a sweet and comprehensive comment! It was a lot of fun seeing what you thought of each character and what you would say to them!

It really warms my heart and motivates me to keep going on this project, so thank you from the bottom of my heart! I hope you also take your own advice and stay hydrated, sleep well, and eat delicious and nutritious food! <3 

Oh that's so weird! I'm so glad you figured it out though! Hopefully if someone else runs into the same issues they'll see this comment thread and use your method.

I also hope you enjoyed it and that Day 1 was worth all of the struggle it took to download! <3 

That's fair! Thank you for the follow on here, it means a lot! <3 

Aww thank you so much! I'm so glad Marcelo (and the game) struck a coord with you!

If you want to stay updated I'd recommend checking out the official Crimson Hydrangea Twitter or Tumblr since they'll be updated a lot more frequently than haha. 

Thanks again for your support and stay safe! <3

How strange! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you out. If you do find a solution please let me know. Good luck Phantomflower08!

Hmmm, do you have a downloads folder?  I'd recommend searching for a file called  . Once you've located that you can right click and click " open with" and select "archive utility" in order to unzip that file. Then once it's unzipped, you should see a new file appear labeled CrimsonHydrangea and once you double click the game should start playing. 

If it still doesn't work I'd recommend either downloading or troubleshooting with to make sure that it's compatible with your mac.

Oh strange! I just tested it out on my end and it seems to be working. Just to make sure we're on the same page, did you...

1. Select the white "Download Now" button  
2. Either donate a random amount or bypass the donation section by clicking "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"
3. Select the mac option and start the download
4. Locate it in your downloads folder and unzip  the zip file
5. Then click the renpy file named Crimson Hydrangea to start the game?

If you did all of that and are running into additional errors, you might need to either adjust your security settings OR troubleshoot with renpy since that's the program I used to create the game. I was able to download and have it play on my mac so I think it should work. 

Thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that you not only enjoyed it, but are looking forward to more updates! <3 

Thank you so very much for your kind words! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it so far! <3 

To answer your question, it depends on which route you take whether you'll encounter one or more yanderes. However, there will always be at least one yandere in each route. Hopefully that helps clear things up!