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A member registered Nov 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just managed to update the game via app :) can't wait to see everyone again, thanks for your hard work!!

same here, maybe is just slow to recognise the update,  I'll wait a few hours and then check again

If so then I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean anything bad by what I said

I wasn't even saying this for me, as I said the sprite looks like me, but usually I can't really fully enjoy a game when the mc is physically different than me because in my head it feels like I'm not playing as myself, it's dumb I know, but that's it. So I was thinking that the sprite shouldn't probably be there because some other people might have the same problem as me. And I don't get why I'm looking like a hypocrite to you just because I'm complaining about a black mc's sprite and not a white one, it doesn't make sense, if the differences between the irl player and the sprite can make the player enjoy the game less, then it makes them enjoy my game less, for a black player it could be the same with a white sprite, or for a white player it could be the same with a black sprite. I agree on the fact that it's drawn beautifully, I loved the art style. Hopefully I made myself clear, sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm not really fluent in English.

(4 edits)

Some sorta spoiler here

The first ending I got was the one in which Silas sadly sacrificed himself to save the mc, I was too sad to let this be the memory I had left and I also wanted to save him so I replayed and happily got the romantic ending, I had the intention of trying the other left but. no. dan. way. in. hell, what if it's also sad? lol

I love the fact that I had so many choices, I was a little bit confused about what some of them meant, but I eventually tried one and if it wasn't what I wanted to say then I went back and chose another one that best fit what I wanted to say, so no big problem (it's probably because they were similar or because I'm not really fluent in English). I also like that Silas is a pretty well written character, the only thing that I didn't really enjoy was that the game is short, and I didn't feel like I could properly develop my relationship with Silas, my thoughts and all that would've led me to a certain ending instead of another. Of course, with this I'm not saying that This, My Soul is a game that doesn't make you feel like you're living it in first person, isn't engaging or something like that, but it doesn't give me enough time. And also of course I'm not saying that it should be 10 hours long but something like 5 hours (roughly, depending on the ending, but I guess the ending wouldn't last long) would've been better, considering my 2 hours experience when I first played. But I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to create a game like this already is, and I really appreciate and admire your work. Also another thing, I think the mc's sprite shouldn't be there because some players might not resemble it, and this in some cases could ruin the experience (this wasn't the case with me because I resemble the sprite a lot).

Thank you for creating this game, it was a really nice and emotional story, I haven't found many like this and I'm happy I played.

Overall I would give it an 8/10.

don't worry, it's completely understandable and I support your choice, I'm a little bit sad that this demo isn't gonna be a full game but happy that you're having fun with the other projects, take care and thanks for your work<3

I meant just the demo, even if the game is not completed I enjoyed the routes on the demo. Sorry for the misunderstanding lol. Btw I can go as far as MC goes back home and sleeps.

Thank you very much for the help :D

sorry I know someone else already told you how to do it manually, but if you want you can install the app and update the game. I do so since it's easier (I had no clue about what to do manually lol)

I didn't manage to install the game, but I think it's because I have a mac, maybe. Basically when I try to install agnostos there's a popup from itch io telling me "cannot read property 'build' of undefined", and I saw that clicking install, in the install section there's nothing written (I should choose a file to install but it's empty, idk). Sad but nevermind, the graphics seem really amazing, good work :D Anyways, can someone tell me why does this happen? Just in case it happens again with other games. Thanks.

thanks for helping :D have a nice day/night

can someone help me? I have a stupid question lmao, but do I have to install agin the game to add ep5?  orrr what? :')

lmao I tried every route (even if the full game is not completed yet)  and  unlocked just bakugou's special ending, aw boy

I'll be waiting for the full game, you're doing really a good work :D

can't open the app, short sad story


thanks for your hard work guys, I was waiting for this for so long *tear of happiness* I miss Bash and Ayame so much

here I am again lmao

I found all the relics but the one with the purple star...where can I find it?

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this game is really difficult lmao it's been a while since I first started it (like, 2/3 hours, I guess) and I still can't open the door in the laboratory room, the door behind the cat lmao....damn, hummm help?  hahahaha... 

I MANAGED TO OPEN THE LABORATORY DOOR idk why but I'm pretty happy about it lmao

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this seems an interesting game