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A member registered Sep 24, 2017

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Love the content and am waiting for an update eagerly! Any clue when the next update will be?

I was referring to if I had a bot do a certain task, it would skip a few steps when I lost focus, and cause an item that shouldn't ever be at that certain step in the first place. 

Basically if i had an instruction order like (Paraphrasing due to time):

  1. Pick up bucket
  2. Milk cow
  3. Empty bucket into Milk Storage
  4. Drop bucket
  5. Collect Dung
  6. Put Dung in Compost Bin

It would have a bucket in hand while trying to "Collect Dung".

(Also I have it like that due to me trying to use minimal bots. However, it has happened to multiple bots in a similar fashion. (Trying to pick stuff up with a hand that should be empty.))

(1 edit)

That would be amazing for people who would want to plan things out ahead of time. It would also be amazing to see what does what so that you know whether you should, for example, use many wooden axes vs a few metal ones. (Basically finding what is more efficient.)

I have encountered a problem with the autonauts robots command order being screwed up every time I lose focus in full-screen. What I do is I either alt-tab or press the windows key to hide it away, but when I come back to the game, the robots are always on the wrong step of a command line.