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A member registered Aug 02, 2022

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

For those who don't know, most of the negative comments on here are Lip's alt accounts. This is ban evasion. Mass report every single one you see.

Lip was banned for very legit reasons. She? is a very disturbed and obsessed person who tried to control the development of this game. She is on here to attack Mofu.

Eventually she'll get an IP ban and that will be it for good, she will be unable to make new accounts or access the site at all. I don't think she understands this, and I'm sure it will piss her off.

For Mofu: Sorry you have to deal with this, your content is fantastic and I wish you the best with this project and any in the future. I will continue to support.

Good, I hope the focus stays on big content-focused updates for a while, bug fixes can come later. It's been months since a content update.

Probably best if Mofu prioritizes a larger update, it's been a while. Bug fixes get in the way of the large updates.

It was just bug fixes and images. Still waiting on a content update.

Nah, I made a separate account from my main since this is an adult game and I don't want my comments on adult games visible on my main itch account. 

My point still stands though, not all requests are created equal, some people are selfish and want the game tailored to them, and if all of those requests are listened to it can bog down development.

I'm glad you are listening to comments, but I think it's also important to know what types of comments are good to ignore.

For one, any comment that simply makes a demand of you for some change to the game without any real context. (This shows they don't really play or test your game and are just selfishly requesting something). Secondly, any request that is unique to one person. This is also a selfish request and can be ignored.

If a change is something more people will want, you will most likely see lots of replies and likes on it. In that case, I think it's safe to work on it, IF you actually want to add it to your game.

I would also caution you on frequent commenters who try to speak for you. Feel free to correct them if they are wrong. Remember, it's your game! Do what you want with it!