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A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's sad how the community is tackling the subject. You'd think they'd have a bit of respect for it, but this game is just another of the many poor presentations of this usually very interesting and scary setting.

I get the error message "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../ISAC/ISAC.uproject". Installing prerequisities doesn't fix the issue. Too bad, the screenshots look incredible!

I came back to this after a while and was wondering if there was a shortcut for character names? Using the original renpy format of defining a character then using their shortcut doesn't work with the text formatting. If some characters have a fairly long name it gets really tedious to always write them out in caps at the beginning of a sentence, same with the different feelings. E.g. I would want to be able to define ELECTROCHEMISTRY as EC then just use EC "- blabla"

Have you dealt with that issue before? And if so what was your workflow like?

what a great little project, really what I was looking for. One thing though... After showing how backgrounds are done, could you remove the blue bathtub and maybe show a single colored background instead? In combination with the font it's a bit off putting and, at least for me, harder too read in general.

This looks great!

You did an amazing jobs with your maps. They look great! Your pacing is decent and the music feels eerie and adds to the atmosphere. The little "jumpscares" are well placed and your use of lighting is awesome. Also: The rapid movement of the swirly-face entity gave me chills!!!

I'd like to suggest that you add a pause to the constant breathing noise in the shadows, otherwise it gets annoying. I've also had the problem that one of the walkers was stuck in front of an exit which was pretty hard to solve without restarting. 

Maybe you could use a name box for the characters instead? I constantly read the name of the character again because it showed in the first row of every dialoge, instead in a seperate name box.

Keep up the good work.