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A member registered Nov 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

The idea (although probably not original) came from the tutorial in most first person shooter games, such as Valorant and Call of Duty: Warzone. Just describing the controls with words and plunging the player into an intense situation is obviously not the way to go, having experienced this in past developed games. An added benefit was obviously a stress-free environment where players can basically play through the game and experience everything even if they cannot play through the game when under stress. From a developmental point of view, creating the tutorial was pretty simple, so adding it was not a huge problem for the limited time we were given.

- TheSoupMasta

This game was done pretty well! 

I specifically liked the art design of the game, great job. Eventually when you can finish this game, I would love to be able to play through the finished version. 

Thanks for your response!

I did entertain the idea of making the bullets correspond with the Left Mouse Button (LMB) and the Right Mouse Button (RMB). However, I decided to use this system instead, so as to not be limited to two types of bullets even though only two bullets were able to be added before the deadline.

I will take your idea into consideration and update if necessary. Thanks!

- TheSoupMasta

Thank you for your response!

I admit, the spawning algorithm right now is extremely simple. There is only 2 conditions when enemies are spawned. 1. The enemies cannot spawn near the player to result in an instant kill or the inability to respond to the enemy (in short, you are guaranteed to not die immediately and winning is possible). 2. The enemies will spawn within the world borders. If there was more time, a more sophisticated algorithm can be used to spawn in the enemies, making your lives harder :).

Hopefully the spawning can be reworked and still work, thanks for the feedback!

- TheSoupMasta

Honestly, pretty good game. 

However, I found a few issues with quality of life and gameplay. Here we go:

1. I had a lot of issues with deselecting the towers, so for much of the game I would have to play with a giant tower under my mouse

2. Halfway through the game, the enemies stacked up and seemed to be blocked by something, I don't know why. Screenshot included. If you zoom in, they seem to be all stacked on top of each other.

3. The starting up of the game is hard to beat, until you can afford rocket launchers, which are the most broken thing ever (not opposing the op rocket launchers, but it feels like the difficulty scales DOWN)


Great game in general!

However, there are a few bugs that need to be sorted through. If the energy cube is pushed to the very side of the page, you will find it very unpleasant to move it back out.

Overall, pretty good game!

Thank you for your response!

In the future (hopefully the near-future), more levels and enemies will be added. This game is currently in the very early stages of development. As you have mentioned, we agree with your view on the "polishing" of the game and we will focus on that for the next update.

You may have noticed already, but the game was reuploaded to a web version, making playing more accessible.

Thanks again for the feedback

- TheSoupMasta