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A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Here is a photo of my dick. 

Alright... alright... then it is settled. If you do understand... 

I give up

You wouldn't get it. It's too much.  7 months of brainrot that reduced my wellbeing.  

B̸̡̳̝̯̔͆̉̂͝Ŵ̸̨̠̖̝̲͊͗̉̀̓̋͐̉͆̈̔̑̚͝Ų̸̢̥͔͓̤̜͕͈͈͍̗̅̾́̈́̊̀̀̌̄̅̉̀̕ͅĄ̴̯͔̬̲͈̱̳̣͙̖̿̆̎̀̿͠ͅÁ̸̛͔̪̦̜̯̻̫̃A̴̦͎͈͙̦͖̦͎̗͈̍͛͌͜͜͜A̷̪͈̤̹͔̳̙̰̘͚͈̭͔͋̈̐̂́̊̅̾̃̉̊̽̄A̷̡̪̘̜̠̱̖̤̣͈͌͊̈́͘ͅĄ̷͇̤̥̒Ȃ̴̳͙̭̿̇Ạ̷͍̯̣̫̮̘̻̽̉̃̍̀̚A̶̙͚̲̭̼̯̮̳̭̅́͆̓̑̑̽̇̈́̕Ḩ̷̱̭̳͇̜̜͈̫̫̭̈̄̂͒̕͜ͅḦ̴̡̫̟̲̮͍͔́͒̇͊̐̀̌̎̉͌̆͜A̸̘̪̤̪͆͒̇̋H̷͎̭͇̻̲̓̀̓́́̃̏͠Ḧ̶̛͎̬̗̫̤̣̤̥͍̠̜͕͈́́͛͋͆̓̏̓̒͐̈́́̏̈́ͅH̸̠̤̥̪̤͈̼̫̠̞̦͓͕͚̅͂͊̄́̌̄͠A̷̹͍̦͙̝͉͕̗̮̪̿̌͒̉͜A̴̙̝̔̈́̆̾̽͆̉̒̒̄̑̊Ȟ̷̬̜́͒ ̴͖͖͉̥̹̰͔̖͚͒̓Ȃ̷̛̜̐͛̍̈́̚̚̕̚̕G̶̡̝͇͕̗̻̹͍̜͙͔͖̮͓͒̍̋̋̍͗̆̾͘G̸̢̡͖̮̱̺̲͆̋̐̃͛́͒͘͜͝ͅH̵̡̛̖͙͈̯̠͇͕̙̫̿̋̆H̴̡̱͉̬̞̤̼̜͔̟͔͍̭̆̿̐͆͊͠͝H̴̭̘͚͓̟͚͔͚̬͖̪̏̅̈́̉̍̾̇͐͂̚̕͘͘͜͝Ḧ̷̨̢̪̞͍̠͇̥̲͔̰̼͚́́̆̍̀̂̔́́̈́͛͊͛̚ͅͅḦ̸̳͈̩͈͔̞̫͓̖̖̼̲̳̺́̅̿̋̐̊̐̋̐͗͊̃͝ͅH̴̨̛̙͕͇̭͎̣̰̹̜͙̹̮̓̅͗̐̋̿̈͝͠͝ͅḨ̷̠͇͓̯̹͎̩͉̤̥̥̀̆̊̎͊̔̔H̷̛̛̰̻̰̭̪̜̖͍͂̂̔͑͆̐̀̚̕H̶̡̨̩͉̝͕̘̥̲̞͎͒̈́͑͐͌́̎͆͘͠ͅḨ̶̼̼̹̒̀̒̐͒H̵͕͊̈͑̑͊̀̌̈̋͑͜Ḩ̵͙̼̉͊͆̀̍̎̈́̒̈́͝H̵̛̻̪̤́̅̌͆̿̐̕͝H̵̨͔̫̼͇̱̗̞͍́́̓̓̃̾́́͆͂́̓̂͑H̴̗̙̀̈́͑̾͐̈́͌́̔̕Ȟ̵̢̗̘͈̫̪͇̺͎̥̒̓͒̐̾̋̾H̷̯̜̦͈̖̻̻͙̯̯̙̱̥̲̀̂̉̊̇̌̄́̀̏̋̚̚H̶̫͔͆̽̿̎̍̎̾Ḧ̷̩͓̱̙͖̮͔͔͍̪́͑̃͛̇̐͋̍̌́̾͑͜Ḫ̵̢̡̼͔̟̬͉͓̦͍͓̠̺̒͆̔̐̒̓̊͂̚ͅH̷̨͓̯̪͙̱̟̲͔̟͚̳͚̝͚͂̏Ḩ̵͚̳̜̯͋̆͒̔̓̊̽̂̈͘ B̸̡̳̝̯̔͆̉̂͝Ŵ̸̨̠̖̝̲͊͗̉̀̓̋͐̉͆̈̔̑̚͝Ų̸̢̥͔͓̤̜͕͈͈͍̗̅̾́̈́̊̀̀̌̄̅̉̀̕ͅĄ̴̯͔̬̲͈̱̳̣͙̖̿̆̎̀̿͠ͅÁ̸̛͔̪̦̜̯̻̫̃A̴̦͎͈͙̦͖̦͎̗͈̍͛͌͜͜͜A̷̪͈̤̹͔̳̙̰̘͚͈̭͔͋̈̐̂́̊̅̾̃̉̊̽̄A̷̡̪̘̜̠̱̖̤̣͈͌͊̈́͘ͅĄ̷͇̤̥̒Ȃ̴̳͙̭̿̇Ạ̷͍̯̣̫̮̘̻̽̉̃̍̀̚A̶̙͚̲̭̼̯̮̳̭̅́͆̓̑̑̽̇̈́̕Ḩ̷̱̭̳͇̜̜͈̫̫̭̈̄̂͒̕͜ͅḦ̴̡̫̟̲̮͍͔́͒̇͊̐̀̌̎̉͌̆͜A̸̘̪̤̪͆͒̇̋H̷͎̭͇̻̲̓̀̓́́̃̏͠Ḧ̶̛͎̬̗̫̤̣̤̥͍̠̜͕͈́́͛͋͆̓̏̓̒͐̈́́̏̈́ͅH̸̠̤̥̪̤͈̼̫̠̞̦͓͕͚̅͂͊̄́̌̄͠A̷̹͍̦͙̝͉͕̗̮̪̿̌͒̉͜A̴̙̝̔̈́̆̾̽͆̉̒̒̄̑̊Ȟ̷̬̜́͒ ̴͖͖͉̥̹̰͔̖͚͒̓Ȃ̷̛̜̐͛̍̈́̚̚̕̚̕G̶̡̝͇͕̗̻̹͍̜͙͔͖̮͓͒̍̋̋̍͗̆̾͘G̸̢̡͖̮̱̺̲͆̋̐̃͛́͒͘͜͝ͅH̵̡̛̖͙͈̯̠͇͕̙̫̿̋̆H̴̡̱͉̬̞̤̼̜͔̟͔͍̭̆̿̐͆͊͠͝H̴̭̘͚͓̟͚͔͚̬͖̪̏̅̈́̉̍̾̇͐͂̚̕͘͘͜͝Ḧ̷̨̢̪̞͍̠͇̥̲͔̰̼͚́́̆̍̀̂̔́́̈́͛͊͛̚ͅͅḦ̸̳͈̩͈͔̞̫͓̖̖̼̲̳̺́̅̿̋̐̊̐̋̐͗͊̃͝ͅH̴̨̛̙͕͇̭͎̣̰̹̜͙̹̮̓̅͗̐̋̿̈͝͠͝ͅḨ̷̠͇͓̯̹͎̩͉̤̥̥̀̆̊̎͊̔̔H̷̛̛̰̻̰̭̪̜̖͍͂̂̔͑͆̐̀̚̕H̶̡̨̩͉̝͕̘̥̲̞͎͒̈́͑͐͌́̎͆͘͠ͅḨ̶̼̼̹̒̀̒̐͒H̵͕͊̈͑̑͊̀̌̈̋͑͜Ḩ̵͙̼̉͊͆̀̍̎̈́̒̈́͝H̵̛̻̪̤́̅̌͆̿̐̕͝H̵̨͔̫̼͇̱̗̞͍́́̓̓̃̾́́͆͂́̓̂͑H̴̗̙̀̈́͑̾͐̈́͌́̔̕Ȟ̵̢̗̘͈̫̪͇̺͎̥̒̓͒̐̾̋̾H̷̯̜̦͈̖̻̻͙̯̯̙̱̥̲̀̂̉̊̇̌̄́̀̏̋̚̚H̶̫͔͆̽̿̎̍̎̾Ḧ̷̩͓̱̙͖̮͔͔͍̪́͑̃͛̇̐͋̍̌́̾͑͜Ḫ̵̢̡̼͔̟̬͉͓̦͍͓̠̺̒͆̔̐̒̓̊͂̚ͅH̷̨͓̯̪͙̱̟̲͔̟͚̳͚̝͚͂̏Ḩ̵͚̳̜̯͋̆͒̔̓̊̽̂̈͘B̸̡̳̝̯̔͆̉̂͝Ŵ̸̨̠̖̝̲͊͗̉̀̓̋͐̉͆̈̔̑̚͝Ų̸̢̥͔͓̤̜͕͈͈͍̗̅̾́̈́̊̀̀̌̄̅̉̀̕ͅĄ̴̯͔̬̲͈̱̳̣͙̖̿̆̎̀̿͠ͅÁ̸̛͔̪̦̜̯̻̫̃A̴̦͎͈͙̦͖̦͎̗͈̍͛͌͜͜͜A̷̪͈̤̹͔̳̙̰̘͚͈̭͔͋̈̐̂́̊̅̾̃̉̊̽̄A̷̡̪̘̜̠̱̖̤̣͈͌͊̈́͘ͅĄ̷͇̤̥̒Ȃ̴̳͙̭̿̇Ạ̷͍̯̣̫̮̘̻̽̉̃̍̀̚A̶̙͚̲̭̼̯̮̳̭̅́͆̓̑̑̽̇̈́̕Ḩ̷̱̭̳͇̜̜͈̫̫̭̈̄̂͒̕͜ͅḦ̴̡̫̟̲̮͍͔́͒̇͊̐̀̌̎̉͌̆͜A̸̘̪̤̪͆͒̇̋H̷͎̭͇̻̲̓̀̓́́̃̏͠Ḧ̶̛͎̬̗̫̤̣̤̥͍̠̜͕͈́́͛͋͆̓̏̓̒͐̈́́̏̈́ͅH̸̠̤̥̪̤͈̼̫̠̞̦͓͕͚̅͂͊̄́̌̄͠A̷̹͍̦͙̝͉͕̗̮̪̿̌͒̉͜A̴̙̝̔̈́̆̾̽͆̉̒̒̄̑̊Ȟ̷̬̜́͒ ̴͖͖͉̥̹̰͔̖͚͒̓Ȃ̷̛̜̐͛̍̈́̚̚̕̚̕G̶̡̝͇͕̗̻̹͍̜͙͔͖̮͓͒̍̋̋̍͗̆̾͘G̸̢̡͖̮̱̺̲͆̋̐̃͛́͒͘͜͝ͅH̵̡̛̖͙͈̯̠͇͕̙̫̿̋̆H̴̡̱͉̬̞̤̼̜͔̟͔͍̭̆̿̐͆͊͠͝H̴̭̘͚͓̟͚͔͚̬͖̪̏̅̈́̉̍̾̇͐͂̚̕͘͘͜͝Ḧ̷̨̢̪̞͍̠͇̥̲͔̰̼͚́́̆̍̀̂̔́́̈́͛͊͛̚ͅͅḦ̸̳͈̩͈͔̞̫͓̖̖̼̲̳̺́̅̿̋̐̊̐̋̐͗͊̃͝ͅH̴̨̛̙͕͇̭͎̣̰̹̜͙̹̮̓̅͗̐̋̿̈͝͠͝ͅḨ̷̠͇͓̯̹͎̩͉̤̥̥̀̆̊̎͊̔̔H̷̛̛̰̻̰̭̪̜̖͍͂̂̔͑͆̐̀̚̕H̶̡̨̩͉̝͕̘̥̲̞͎͒̈́͑͐͌́̎͆͘͠ͅḨ̶̼̼̹̒̀̒̐͒H̵͕͊̈͑̑͊̀̌̈̋͑͜Ḩ̵͙̼̉͊͆̀̍̎̈́̒̈́͝H̵̛̻̪̤́̅̌͆̿̐̕͝H̵̨͔̫̼͇̱̗̞͍́́̓̓̃̾́́͆͂́̓̂͑H̴̗̙̀̈́͑̾͐̈́͌́̔̕Ȟ̵̢̗̘͈̫̪͇̺͎̥̒̓͒̐̾̋̾H̷̯̜̦͈̖̻̻͙̯̯̙̱̥̲̀̂̉̊̇̌̄́̀̏̋̚̚H̶̫͔͆̽̿̎̍̎̾Ḧ̷̩͓̱̙͖̮͔͔͍̪́͑̃͛̇̐͋̍̌́̾͑͜Ḫ̵̢̡̼͔̟̬͉͓̦͍͓̠̺̒͆̔̐̒̓̊͂̚ͅH̷̨͓̯̪͙̱̟̲͔̟͚̳͚̝͚͂̏Ḩ̵͚̳̜̯͋̆͒̔̓̊̽̂̈͘

Un pinche año guey. Lo siento Pero no va ver actualizacion por un año entero ): 

I am not clicking that unless if it was sent by officer balls

Forcing Dicklia to know what sex means before the update. (She's been watching this type of content for 10 hours straight)

Still cant take the fact that my soci professor decided to perfectly carved out a sculpture of her pussy and pass it around class while saying (if it's too small, I will try to replicate it better next time since its bigger than you think) 

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who the fuck is python?

Edit: he is I'm my balls chat ☹

Every single minor here 

Who the fuck is that supposed to be 😭

you can also buy almost 80 to 90 bottles of mayonnaise with that money

Chat. 0.5.2 arc is about to end in almost a week... we have to wrap things up... from this point on I will not be suprised if the last week will have the most diabolic brainrot and shitpost we seen so far. Good night 

Love you molly you will always be my baby  

Lowkey, since I'm not really into the sex and nsfw stuff about this game but more rather into the art style and story. Everytime when Arthur puts his long white ass dick into a girl I lowkey stare at the screen like this

Dude I had my headphones all the way up 😭

Let it be fact


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Never downloading pirated games again 😭😭

We love you. Both ways

I am definitely number 4

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Is there lore reason why hatchet wants to add plane sex to this area? Does he have a fetish over planes?

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In my point of view you are pretty much cooked.  You will have to replay the whole thing from the beginning. I mean, it's still in beta version so what do you expect? It wouldn't make sense for you to start on a part where hatchet reworked in a later update or flat out took it out or moved it

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My ass on the way to fucking India to ask a hindu pirater to release the exclusive early content for maeves academy instead of paying 10 whole dollars

No he is mine ):<

That image 💀😭 GET OUT 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥

Bro Steve's monitor fried up dude it was funny as hell 😭😭😭💀💀. He liked the game btw he found it very interesting. He mostly shrugs NSFW games off since it's not really his cup of tea tho... but he mostly liked it

Y'all be hating but I honestly find him very special

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Arthur has a unknown godly mechanism... but would i Iose?

Taking a big batshit from my batcock after hours of misery 

Dude you nailed this one, thanks for making my friend happy... 

Chat its almost here

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