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A member registered Mar 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Came highly recommended from a close friend, and it has 100% taken over as my game of choice for all my 4X needs. 

The moddability of it is staggeringly easy too. I look forward to making mods for the community, once I have the knack for everything.

You want to give this game a try, at least.

Imagine, if you would, if Kaga, Twitter user Dril, and a team of memers teamed up to make an SRPG. 

This would be the result.

Not a fan of the large first map personally but stick with it. It gets better. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put some heat on these bruised ribs from all the laughter.

World's Biggest Gaiden Simp Attempts (and fails) to write unbiased review of fan remake.

I had enough fun playing this that I came to the realization that being unbiased on this project might be outside my means. The black title screen does not bother me, as it felt very much like Gaiden's Load Game screen as it is. All of the Skill-Based Timing Minigame Skills felt wonderful to use, though I am considerably better at some than others. The maps were all well done, and felt just the right level of challenge, even if a couple runs ended on bad luck (but what SRPG enthusiast's run HASN'T at some point?)

My only gripe is a personal one, and that's I'm not exactly a fan of Berwick style EXP distribution (EXP granted on kill/item use only). I can appreciate it being different, however.

All in all, I look forward to seeing where this game will go.

(1 edit)

Game is difficult, but fun. If you're looking for a challenge, this is it. Gameplay reminds me of a combination of FFTA and Ultima IV's NES port, with standard SRPG fare... and that's not ever a bad thing.