The fact that she can do things people literally cannot see… Damn. There is so much potential. I love the current pacing, though.
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I hesitated making a comment-review, because I feared it would be too long. And it was. By a long shot. So, to summarize (still long asf):
8/10 story. Intriguing as hell. Really well-placed flashbacks. Made me fucking depressed when I got to the current end.
8/10 world-building. Top-tier environment, world, everything. You stay in one town basically the whole time, but mentions of the past, and other outside forces, make the world feel so complete. I especially love the mix of magic and technology, which is done really well here.
9/10 characters. The designs are great, and no one is unlikable. And Hana is best girl.
9/10 dialogue (my personal fav part). The characters have awesome chemistry, and every interaction is endearing as hell, and-or funny. And any subjects mentioned are either well-researched, or the developer knows it personally.
7.5/10 visuals. For a solo-developer game, this has some really fucking cool visuals at times. All the images are like 480p, though, for some reason. It wouldn’t hurt to use an client up-scaler, because saving space is cool, but that sounds like work.
7/10 sex scenes. Most, if not all, animations are simple single-action loops. But they are good quality, and some are pretty cool. Navigating through animations can get tedious with multiple characters, though.
All-in-all, this game has the absolute perfect blend of intrigue, comedy, scarce horror, love and lust. The fact that the developer updates this game every two weeks, is amazing. There is so much fucking content so far (Get it?).
And, Hana is best girl.
This depends on the developer. But I hope that MC will eventually learn to control Mana flow and make some of the girls submit. Of course, not all, but this is late-game stuff, so I hope for most.
It does feel weird, though, acting as a submissive asf MC. The 1st-person narration some-times feels weird, too. But this is the developer’s style, so, it is how it is.
Anyways. The animations are fucking gorgeous. Linea didn’t get animated, but I assume she will eventually. I am looking forward to that. Either way, the facial expressions are top-notch. Putting effort into making actual high-quality, sectioned loops is some high-level shit. Keep it up.