Is the behaviour tree functionality and visualisation in that image, part of game creator? or did you use different package/asset for that?
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Sometimes after a battle it’s not possible to upgrade parts anymore. Also it would be great to have a back button if you skip past the one you were looking for.
All in all a nice game, but when the upgrade is not working did that mean i died?
I managed to get quite far but still ended up where the upgrade / fix buttons were no longer showing. Also enjoyed the “I take my laser gun and go: pew pew pew!”
Nice game, I liked the sounds!
I think for me personally I would like the mouse up/down to be inverted :p which I found later when trying some things out, it’s part of the pause menu. And maybe a crosshairs of some kind to aid in determining the direction.
Since moving forward als allowed me to go up or down i hadn’t used the e or q buttons. Also on the controls page there’s 2x left and 0x right :)