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A member registered Oct 30, 2021

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Nope, I use only aric's expansion mod, random portraits and the constants mod.  I just used the constants mod to change the stats. The problem trigger sometimes (not always) when I keep spamming "1" while also spamming left click to select the enemy. 

I don't know how it happened, but during the combat I can't select the target enemy, and the "end turn" button broke. I was spamming "1" to use the basic attack while selecting the enemy, so maybe this is the cause.

The debug console keep writing the same line again ad again.

On a side note, sometime when I minimize the game window the buttons broke in the same way. This happen in several zones, not only in combat.

Sorry if those are already know issues. I tried to search for them but I may have missed them.

(1 edit)

Oh okay, sorry for begin late. I just returned on this game 2 days ago. I'll just wait for the fix. And thanks for your hard work.

I don't know if it can be useful, but with the debug mod this is the error the appear in the debug console if I use Deadly Blow.

My bad, I missed that update.

Same issue and same error that Danias reported for me too.

But I may add that with the "regular" .exe the game crash even before the music start playing, but if I use the debug .exe the the game start but it cannot go past the "New game>story mode>quick start".

Then I tried to do a custom start, but I can't go past the portrait choice. Here the debugger report:

SCRIPT ERROR: GDScript::reload: Parse Error: Variable "metrics" already exists in this class (at line: 121).

          At: res://files/scripts/person/

ERROR: reload: Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR

   At: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:599

SCRIPT ERROR: newslave: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'new' in base 'GDScript'.

          At: res://files/scripts/characters/

SCRIPT ERROR: _ready_newgame_creator: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'cleartraits' in base 'Nil'.

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _newgame_creator_reset: Invalid set index 'memory' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'String'.

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_quickstart_pressed: Invalid set index 'race' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'String'.

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _stage4: Invalid set index 'race' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'String'.

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_nextport_pressed: Invalid get index '0' (on base: 'Array').

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_prevport_pressed: Invalid get index '-2' (on base: 'Array').

          At: res://files/scripts/

SCRIPT ERROR: _on_raceconfirm_pressed: Invalid get index 'race' (on base: 'Nil').

          At: res://files/scripts/