The Moon
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junestrings always manages to outdo herself but this zine will always feel particularly special to the moon. it thinks it remembers even getting eye watery when it read this. it has learned a lot from june but the stuff in here hit close to home for things that it has been learning and relearning since it was so young. it is hard to feel like you don't have a choice in changing your fate. it is hard to be one that really feels fate's strings around you. we do have a choice though. we can choose onward. we can choose more. maybe after that we can even choose to say thank you. it is still afraid of the more but it has never regretted it
it is almost strange how much this one makes sense. there was a beautiful night once where all these paradoxes that it had trapped itself in suddenly unfolded and made sense but any way it tried to explain it was all very nonsensical. it was the night it learned to have faith in itself and not just the path before it. junestrings touches on it in a clearer way here than it could itself. if the moon is to be a puppet, then it will make its puppeteer, and she too will love june
sometimes it finds junestring's work difficult to grasp and it will admit that this is one of those times. the first page of this has really stuck with it, however. sometimes with everything that we feel, with how important it all feels, there can be this pressure to be absolute. we are not simple things with one plane, however. when it notices that it contradicts itself, it thinks back to this zine are remembers that it is okay. something can be held so passionately in the moment and it is okay to be large enough still to hold things that contradict that. this helps it to be itself more unapologetically
one of junestrings greatest gifts is the invitation of play. that is exactly what a june coloring book is for. this one got itself a set of watercolour pencils and had a great time putting its own creative play onto this zine at home. it gave this one a simple joy that is too easy to forget about in life. it had fun seeing what its friends did in their june coloring books and it hopes we get another sometime soon
this is a very cool and expressive piece . i am happy i had the chance to play it . you help push the boundaries of what games can be and i'm looking forward to all the cool things you're yet to make . i hope some day - 10,000 years from now perhaps - long after people have gone, something beautiful will grow here