Nice mod, thank you for that update, but i've noticed that it seems like the seat texture is missing, have you had this issue on your end?
Recent community posts
i've been getting that error in my log for a few weeks when i'm adjusting my nitrogen on this map, i've tested on different other map and it's only with midwest, both your version or the one originally publish by Diniz.
I don't know if you have any idea of what could cause that, doesn't break the game but it flood the log pretty sirously. I also had a compatibility issue with the new version of crop rotation that just goes crazy when you switch day & broke yourgame. Although i do not have the error in my log anymore saddly as i revert back to the old one.
Here the error from the nitrogen with precision farming.
DensityMapFilter: called from dataS/scripts/internalMods/FS22_precisionFarming/scripts/maps/NitrogenMap.lua (710)
2023-08-20 14:23 Error: Invalid object parameter in DensityMapFilter.
I'm loving this map, thanks for the edit, i love it!