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A member registered May 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I have no idea yet, still have lots to do before it’s ready

Thanks, I'm happy you like it!

Thank you!

I couldn't find any mistakes in the coding to cause this, so I fear it might be a save issue. Though I did find a tag had forgotten to use, so it was very helpful looking through it :)

I'm sorry, I could not find a fix for this. The game automatically senses if you're on a phone, tablet or computer and scales accordingly to either small, medium or large. To change that would mean to change the inner workings of the game, and I'm not at a level to do that yet.

Hi! I’ve added a little walkthrough on how to uock every CG from the gallery. It’s now under files (the .pdf).

Thanks. I’ll release a bug fix next week (i’m gone this one) 

Thank you! The bonus content might at a later time be incorporated into the main game if I can do so seamlessly, but that’s something for future me to figure out :)

Not in this update, no haha

He should definitely know who Brenden is at that point! I’ll fix that, thanks :)

I’ll try at least!

Thanks for the heads up. I’ll fix it and upload a new version. 

I think I got it right this time!

Try this link:

I’ve also updated the one on the page.

I’ll look into it and see if there’s a way to fix it.

I’ll look into it and upload a fixed version. 

So many images 😅

Oh! I’ll have to look into that, thanks!

I see what you mean. I use a program called Butler that updates the game files here on, instead of deleting and uploading the new files. I'll check if it's possible to rename the files to the version number for the next release.

While it's sad you lost all your progress, I'm happy Jamie's uncut could cheer you up! 

Thank you, happy to hear that!

And perhaps in the future that might happen - we'll just have to wait and see where the story goes :)

Thank you! I hope to release it on Patreon in about two weeks from now, give or take :)

me happy!

I don't use mega, but I do have a google drive, so hopefully that helps! Here's a link to the files:

I think Gregor appreciated that. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you! Glad to hear it!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! I’ll work hard ❤️

Have you tried VPN? If that doesn’t work, and you have discord, write to me there and I’ll send a link to a different download site. Hopefully that will help.

I’m sorry to hear you have a problem downloading it, have you tried VPN? If that doesn’t work, and you have discord, write to me there and I’ll send a link to a different download site.
 Steam might happen in the future when the game is finished, if I can get it accepted there.  

I'm sorry, I can't seem to find out what the problem is. Everything seems to be working fine...  Does other games work?

Which one of the three are you having problems with? (Pc, Mac, Android). I’ve been trying to find what the problem might be, but haven’t found anything yet. doesn’t have region blocking as a feature, so that’s not it. 

Thank you! That is planned for a future update, so one day you’ll be able to top the boys lol.

I'm glad you enjoy it!

Thank you! Currently, yes, but the plan is to make it so Oliver can ask to top instead (if his partners allows it), but that will come in a separate update sometime in the future.

Happy to hear that!


Thank you, I’m so happy you liked it! :)And I’m glad that Trent surprised you, he’s a complicated character.

Breden is supposed to be around their age, yeah. I wanted him to look a bit more mature than Jamie and Ollie, but I might have stretched that a bit far… woops!

Thank you! :D

Haha, fully understandable! Who knows what the future might bring ;)