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A member registered Oct 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Nice little game, simple but works. Visuals are simple, as well, but good and nicely compliment the simple gameplay. The music was cool, fits perfectly. 

What bothered me though was blurring of the text around edges, actually it was not bad at all during game, or main menu, however when I opened the About section in menu, it really was just too much and my eyes felt uneasy from that.

Also for the gameplay it quickly stalls and feels very monotone, I understand that with the limited amount of time you had for development it was good, however if you want to continue developing the game, thats what I would focus on. It could be enough just to keep sending more and more bad books and fewer good books, or you could gradually increase the speed of the game, or some combination of both, so the game's difficulty increases over time. Currently it felt that I could play for hours without dying, since the game's difficulty didn't progress at all and avoiding bad books was very easy.

You mentioned you want to release the game for Android, and I think that's great idea, the game has very simple controls that would be easy to implement to phone devices.

Interesting game, quick and simple. I like that the concept of the game was nice and clear and I immediately knew what to do. Decent Gamejam game.

Awesome visuals, feels absolutely amazing. Unfortunately while playing I encountered some big wave or what was that, falling down and after hitting me I "sunk down too far" after that player was glitching and couldn't move. Interesting concept though, with more work it might be fun, but as it is it was somewhat confusing and I wish the gameplay would be more clear. 

Cool game. Absolutely beatiful art, sounds were nice too. I really like the feel of the game, and game play was decent too, I think this game might feel slightly better on mobile devices. I think with a bit of polishing it might fair pretty well on Google Play and App Store.

This game has really nice and relaxing feel. Probably the best part about the game was the sound, it really made the forrest feel real. I liked also the graphic design, it was very nice. 

When it comes game play, I wish you would explain the goal of the game in tutorial (tutorial only taught me how to control the game, not what is the goal). At first play I did not know what is the point of the game, I was just running around collecting shrooms, and then was told I am dead. After seeing the stats of how many good and bad mushrooms I collected, I realized that I probably need to collect more good mushrooms than the bad ones. On second play I had 0 poisonous mushrooms and won. Gameplay worked, however it was not enjoyable, at least for me. 

But of course that is understandable, considering the limited amount of time for development you created nice little project and you managed to create amazing moodwork of the game, so great job!

Fun little game. I liked it. It reminds me of my game that I am currently developing.

I do not know if you will update the game or not, however I will still leave you some feedback, even if you will not continue with the project it might still be useful for your future projects.

Firstly it is nice that you have volume slider, however I think in this case it was redundant. Afterall you can always set your volume on your laptop, I don't have to do it in your game. It would make sense if you allowed to change volume of music and volume of other sounds, that would make more sense.  In short I would either create 2 separate volume sliders one for music the other one for sounds, or I would omit it completely.

Another thing is that after I found nice volume I wanted to keep, and after dying when I got back to the main screen, the volume started playing loud again (cause my laptop volume was high, however I used your apps volume slider to make it rather quiet, so when I went back to main screen, it started to play really loud). So in the end I ended up keeping in-game volume at max, and only ajdusted volume on my laptop.

Also I do not think using Shift for shooting is good idea, since I am using my right hand for the movement (arrows) than I cannot really comfortably use right shift well, so I have to use the left one. And since I keep my left hand on Space, for jumping, when I want to touch left shift, naturally I will use finger closest to it which is pinky finger. And of course pinky is pretty weak and slow finger, so using him for fast-pace shooting is not very enjoyable experience.

And also when you press shift too fast too any times you will get that annoying Sticky keys prompt. 

As well I noticed that after shooting fast the bullets are kind of pushing each other slightly out of direction. 

However I like the tempo and concept of the game, and the fact that the game after a while gets faster. 

Nice job!

(2 edits)

Yeah I was worried that samone will not understand how to play the game. Unfortunately I was not able to make proper tutorial before the deadline. I am not sure how far have you got, but in summary, at the start after intro there is text adventure part, there you either proceed by clicking the Continue button, and sometimes when there are more options how to react you have to choose one. If you make bad choice than you will have to repeat the text adventure part. Once you go through that tutorial should show up, did not it show up to you? Right now I am not sure where you have lost, is it in the text adventure part? If so then you should click on Paltinson Died, or something like that, that shows up, and then you have to play this part again but with different choices.

Oh I see. I gues it is because I made the game in the old Game Maker version.

I have tried every game in the jam and I have to admit that this game is in my opinion the best. It looks great and is a lot of fun. Really good work.

Thanks for feedback! I am happy you liked the setup, that is probably where I put the most effort. Resolution may be problem, I still have a lot to learn in this area. I am just not sure what you mean by the directplay problem, and how can I solve it? I am glad you liked the graphic :-D. Anyway thank you for playing the game.

Hi! My name is Marek and I come from Czech republic. I know basics when it comes to programming in Game Maker, but I consider myself more of a Game Designer.

I decided to join the jam because I am rather beginner when it comes to game development and I think these kind of competitions could help me gain some experience while having a fun. I am working on some projects for some time, and it takes too long to finish it, so you now, this jam could also be way to finally create some game, because of the deadline.

So far I am in team alone, and I am decided to take part in the jam even if nobody join me. But anyone who would like to help would be welcomed.

Anyway good luck to everyone participating in the jam! Hope we all will produce a lot of good games!