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Thornwell Studios

A member registered Nov 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Still alive, just working an hour here and there on this when there's time!

Thanks for checking in :) I'm still working on it, but it's a very slow process. When I made the initial version of this game, it took me hundreds of hours of work over a few months. I'd spend 12+ hours a day on it. It's taken a few years to find that many hours to put into development again since I started a new career since making the first few updates.  

It'll probably just be 0.4 - it'll have way more new and updated content than past updates, but at the end of the day, it'll still be an update from 0.3, so 0.4 makes sense 🤷

Not currently, because animated H scenes are a massive pain to make in this engine lol. But eventually I want to add some, I think.

Yes, just took a long hiatus - it'll be a while before the next update, but it's not dead :D

Thanks, glad you're enjoying :D

(1 edit)

There will be ways to have relationships with multiple people at once!

Thanks! The answer is that it'll be a while - sorry! ♥

Sorry you're having issues, that sucks :/ Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce your problem on my end - I quickly tried playing through as a male character and got through the "Property of Trinity College" event and into the first Harper/Claire event ("The Point Guards") by going to the quad right afterwards. Is there a specific event you were trying to trigger while playing as a guy that wouldn't work past "Property of Trinity College"? Or was it the "Property of Trinity College" event itself that wasn't working?

It took a little hiatus as I dealt with some family stuff, but it's still being worked on.  

No, there is not futa content. There will be an option to play as a non-binary character with a penis in a future update, so...I don't know, I guess decide for yourself if that approaches futa content by your definition. 

Happy to share lol :D

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed :D

Just took a look - there's a picture that I mislabeled in the code, so it ended up playing one of the non-binary character model's pictures for a line during the female version of the event - I'll get that fixed up and upload a new version. Thanks for letting me know!


(1 edit)

How many romanceable characters is tough to say exactly - most characters will be romanceable in the future. It just may not make sense for the protag to develop a romantic relationship with them at this moment - for example, you might be able to date the freshman team coach in the future, but dating her now would throw a pretty major wrench in things right now plot-wise. So the player will be introduced to different romance options throughout the game at different times while other romanceable character paths will already be pretty far along. I'm hoping that approach allows for fresh gameplay throughout the life of the game, as you'll always have characters in different stages of your relationships to spend time with.

As for an estimate on length, hard to say. The first chapter will probably finish with v0.05, which is a ways away still. If I had to make a wild guess on how long the gameplay of the first chapter will end up being, I'd estimate between 10-15 hours? It's really hard to say since people read at different speeds, and some people want to avoid using hints and embrace the sandbox nature of the game, so it may take them longer to get through it. 

Let's assume the contacts have the ability to regulate moisture in the eye and can keep the wearer's eyes healthy and happy so they can be worn 24/7 lol. I wear contacts IRL and I can't imagine a protag having to put them in every morning, or like...dropping them on the floor and having to clean them :o

This will likely be coming in a future update :D


"MAN, I really talk a lot sometimes" you're talking to someone who talks so much I wrote a whole game - you're in good company lol

I'm glad you're enjoying! There's technically a discord server, but it's not in use. I figured I'd wait to see if the game got an audience before really diving into it. So TBD on that!

April and Autumn are going to be Chapter 2 characters, so you'll meet them in Spring of the school year, along with a couple other new characters!

You will absolutely get to know Lizzie better - she becomes more involved in v0.03 :D

You'll totally still interact with Aarya moving forward - her first solo event is also going to be in the upcoming content update, v0.03! Your interactions with her will vary slightly depending on what choice you made at the party, but ultimately, choosing one way or the other doesn't stop you from forming a relationship with Aarya. 

There will be path divergences for some characters, specifically within the development of your relationships with them. For example, whether you choose to help Mariah at the party or go home with Aarya impacts your relationships with the people around you - Mariah, Caitlin, Aarya, etc. - but that won't really impact the overarching story. The story itself will be pretty much the same no matter what choices you  make, though specific conversation pieces and side events will vary depending on the choices you make (though only the big ones, which don't happen that often, and I think it'll be pretty clear when they matter). 

On the topic of soccer, good question, potentially complicated answer. For right now, the wins and losses are pre-determined and happen automatically once you complete a certain set of events (the Hints screen should walk players through how to get further in the game and trigger the next soccer game on Saturday mornings). I have ideas about what the soccer season will look like in Chapter 2, but I haven't made the final decision on whether your choices will impact the outcome of the bigger games later in the story. On the one hand, I think it's fun to give the player agency and reward them with success if they "play well". On the other hand, I don't want people to be 8 hours into playing and realize they didn't get enough points in some random category and now they can't win a big game or something. Because that would frustrate me as a player. It may play a part later in the story, I haven't gotten that far out in planning the details yet. I have a rough outline of the rest of the game, but that decision is still a ways out in development lol. Chapter 1 probably won't even be finished until like March.  I'll probably make a decision on that stuff then!

So the TL;DR is "right now soccer games are all pre-determined, but that may change in the future if I can find a way to make it feel both fair and rewarding".   

Hope you keep playing and continue to enjoy :D

Totally valid request - enough people have asked me for this at this point that I think I'm going to add it as an option in a future update. It adds extra work to H-scenes, so it'll slow down updates just slightly, but it seems like a lot of folks would appreciate the option. I'm thinking it'll probably come out in v0.04, so not the next content update, but the following one. 

Updates will be a tad slower to come out than v0.02 was after initial release because there will be more content per update, but overall I'm trying to keep my life balanced and not burn myself out so I can continue providing updates until the game is complete :D

UPDATE: Immediately found a bug - ain't that always the way? Anyway, should be fixed now. If you have any issues when heading to the dorms, let me know!

Thanks for playing, glad you're enjoying! :D 

Thanks for playing!

Hey! Not planned, no.

Thanks for playing and for your review! Really glad you're enjoying. Unfortunately, I'm American, so if I called it football/futbol I think I'd get some strange looks from my friends who play the game lol. 

Checkov's gun/key will be followed up on in the v0.02, coming soon :)

Seeing weird "formal" language in a VN kills, I don't want to talk to a posh English robot, I want to talk to a human being. Glad you're vibing with the writing!

Thanks for trying it out, glad you're enjoying! Honestly, I'm not hugely into organized sports either (outside a few e-sports), but a team environment always seemed cool to me from a storytelling perspective.

Don't worry about what order to do stuff in - currently there isn't anything you might miss if, for example, you don't have a certain affection level with a certain person before an event. So how you spend your time is your choice! There are totally events locked behind certain prerequisites, but you'll never *miss* one by "spending your days the wrong way", since that's something I've never liked in other games. And if for some reason my stance changes on that, I'll probably put it in the patch notes as a heads up.

Have fun!

Thanks, happy you're enjoying it! :D

Thanks! :D


There's an option for the player to be play as a woman, so I'd say pretty much the whole game could be gay. But in terms of male characters or characters with dicks generally, no that's not something I have planned.

Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by that, so...I guess no? Or if there is, it isn't necessarily intentional, since I don't know what that is.

Hey! Anything specific you didn't like, or just not the game for you?

There are currently no male characters in the game aside from the protagonist (if you choose to play as a guy). I'm not planning on adding male characters with romance paths. And I'm not currently planning on explicitly exploring group relationships, though you will be able to take romance paths with all the characters individually without locking yourself out of any other characters' paths. 

Also, magic isn't an element in this game, and I don't plan to have characters with changing or mixed sets of body parts.