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A member registered Feb 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you, glad you had a good experience. yes, he is.

Thanks for your invaluable feedback good sir, although i can not understand why exactly caused you to dislike the game so much, i am sorry if i didn't meet your expectations, maybe you would find the time to elaborate more on this topic, giving my gratitude in advance.

Thanks, will definitely check those out

Thanks, glad to see you liked it, actually a lot of games did that already, I can't name them at the top of my head, but I kinda took inspiration from them.

Okay, I understand, thanks for finding time to reply, really appreciate your feedback.

Thank you, if you can, could you elaborate more on what made you struggle, would really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for playing, good to see you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for feedback, although I do not understand what exactly confused you?

Thank you, its very motivating