i'm aiming for this year! but the next update is much MUCH closer c:
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There's going to be 4 games, each with 4 discs! I hope by the end of this year, the full first game (The Wrong Side) will be done. it was originally just one long game, but due to my health, I decided to cut it into four so I could guarantee seeing people play it. I've already planned everything out over two years before I released the first beta, so it's just a matter of work I really enjoy.
you can see a list of the game and disc names here-
thank you! it's a constant fight, but i'm able to do what i love with the one i love, so that's all that matters!
the game is definitely a saturated lightshow, but i think it's uniquely special for it. make sure to take breaks if your eyes hurt! i have to take breaks from low contrast / low brightness games myself cause they give me bad headaches
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D I'm super excited for everyone to get their hands on d1
My health condition is in a bit of a rocky stalemate at the moment, and I haven't really spoken at length here about it, so here's a bit of insight-
the whole situation is complicated, but the short version is that I frequently get really bad infections that can and often do spread to my blood, becoming septic and deadly. This happens around twice a month, and I've been in a critical state and hospitalized quite a few times these last few years due to it. There's one last abdominal surgery I can get that could either fix this whole issue outright, or just as easily do something awful that would kill me.
So I'm in a weird kinda limbo atm fighting off sepsis, but I'm too scared to risk the surgery. I also can't have a port or stay in a hospital or have a home nurse due to a severe mast cell condition I have, so I have to do my antibiotics, ivs and the like by myself. Could fight it for several years and finish my game, or I could kick the bucket in a week if I got unlucky. Infections are finnicky. Sometimes I know right away and can be treated, and other times they sneak up on me and become sepsis before I realize I even have one. Imagine flipping a coin three times in a row every two weeks, and if you get three heads, you die. It's sorta like that. So I don't have a definite due date, but it's spontaneous and I don't know if that's better or worse.
I'm doing everything I can to prolong things, and I'm doing much better now than I was when I first started fighting it. I think I might try for the surgery after the first game is released. So maybe sometime early next year?
The artists and I are treating the re-releases as if they were brand new discs, trying our best to avoid any corner-cutting, and really giving each piece the attention it deserves! It's going to be a huge step up! Also, I've been working hard on the fine details of future discs, so I've been able to include even more specific wording for some dialogue in d1. You'll have a ton of new stuff to theorize about :D
And yeah, it's SUPER green! Thankies 4 ur support c:
Yes! Before I had proper artists in early 2024, I used placeholders I made from photoshopping images to release D0, and also later release D1 on itch in the hopes of attracting one. It worked! So as soon as that happened, we worked on replacing everything, and released D0 again with Update 19! So Disc 1 has been previously released and reviewed by a lot of people, but is currently unavailable as we work to redo all the art and animate various scenes. In addition to the art, the re-releases also have additional content for people who've already played them. The vast majority of the reviews on this game were made by people who've played D1 already!
I typically find a lot of text given to me at once to be overwhelming, or I feel the need to skim over wordy sections that drag to get to parts when a story moves.
I was starting to feel like I was losing patience with descriptive stories in general.
But oh girl, was this a breath of fresh air! I absolutely love your writing style c: Going through chunks of text was actually really fun- it feels like I'm being told a story and my attention is being held. It's just written in a way that's fun to read, even beyond the content. I usually enjoy stories just for the sake of the story; but here I also enjoyed the text itself! I was starting to worry that when I tackle the wordier parts of my own game, I'd have accept losing some reader attention. But this has really given me a good showcase of how to do long text segments correctly.
Also the artwork is banger; I'm a huge fan of squishy lookin' anime lesbians. The softness really comes through in your work. Great writing, great art, great game :>
Also as someone who's seen my own inside parts outside, and had multiple implants put in, and also taken out- the segments written about her mechanical body feel like they've been done justice.
Hello! I'm uploading a version for mac right now :3
It should be available in 10-20 minutes on my drive. It is now avalible!
I do not own a mac though, so I'm unable to test it to see if it works or has issues, and if it does, I'm unable to fix them.
Though I can advise that if you don't see a tooltip appear during the Difficulty Select screen, or in the inventory- go into the Options menu and click the 'Tooltips' text until it says "Tooltips appear in the upper left corner" It'll fix a bug I'm guessing you might run into on mac. But maybe not! Fingers crossed c: