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Studio Thumpy Puppy

A member registered Nov 07, 2014 · View creator page →

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I'm Lindar (they/them), and I do Game Audio. I primarily use Pro Tools 12 and I'm also looking for an excuse to learn Wwise.

Primarily I do music, specialising in chiptunes (NES, GameBoy, and hopefully soon C64, all on real hardware), but I also do punk rock, djent, orchestral, folk, ambient, EDM, and loads of other styles.

Wow thanks! :3

Still up for grabs, no teams yet, so let me know!

Hi friends, I'm Lindar K. Greenwood (they/them), games audio person.

I'm looking for an excuse to write more game audio, so here I am!

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Hi friends!

Does anyone need music for their game?

I'm happy to take on 2-3 projects, so let me know what you're into, and don't hesitate to ask for something you haven't seen me do before; I'm eager to take on new challenges.

If you please.

On this topic, do you have a crew set up yet, and do we have a channel for discussion?

I love this idea!

Sure, I'm in a few Slacks and Discords already, so no worries.

Well, I just got a boatload of new soft synths, so I'm happy to take that for a spin. I also really like doing boss battle and fight music. Hopefully we can get a whole crew together!

Hey, hi, and hello there, I'm Lindar K. Greenwood (they/them) of Studio Thumpy Puppy, and recently my studio has actually vaguely gotten its shit together and we're looking to get our chops back up. If you would like music, we do music; if you would like sound design, we do some sound design (and we'd love to have more practice!); if you would like voice acting, we're happy to give it our best shot. You can find out more about us at and follow us on Twitter @thumpypuppy.

I'm eager to see what kind of awesome stuff comes from this collaboration, and I know one of my cohorts, Alex, is really hoping someone asks us to write some punk rock, so let's make something happen. :D

Sorry, I was invited to GamerX and ended up having zero time to participate, but please get in touch on Twitter @thumpypuppy or @lindarthebard (for me specifically) if you'd like to work with me on a future jam. Cheers!

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If anyone wants a musician, I'd be happy to join in.

(My pronouns are they/them.)

Enbyjam community · Created a new topic In-Progress

How's it going so far? Did you come up with an idea?

Enbyjam community · Created a new topic Teams

There are plenty of folx here who do one thing or another. If you want to be on a team, post here.

(I do music, in the event that anyone needs it.)

Hey, I'm Lindar K. Greenwood, 28, they/them.

I'm a silicon valley security consultant and I love making video game music.

Skills: I've been writing music for fifteen years. When I was a young teen I wrote music for games that didn't exist and wrote songs based on levels I imagined them having. I record on Pro Tools and track on LSDj on a real DMG-01.

Past jams: I wrote music for one previous LD jam and one 7DFPS, which you can find on my SoundCloud.

What I'd like to accomplish: Be on a well-organised team. I've had to step in as team lead, level designer, and a bunch of other roles, and I would like to be able to focus on music this time. My first and only LDJAM I directed the team, did the level design, and wrote an OST over 30 minutes long for a game no one played because it was too slow-paced.

Time available: I'm set to blow my whole weekend on this. I ditched out on GaymerX to be available for LDJAM.

Check out my demo playlist here:

If you like what you hear, ping me @lindarthebard on Twitter. If you don't like what you hear, check out my Showers for Flowers OST, a world/jazz/acoustic album I wrote and recorded in under 36 hours, and if chipmetal or cheerful accordions and ukuleles don't do it for you then maybe we just shouldn't be friends. :3