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A member registered May 05, 2018

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there are infact 6 (as far as i found) 2 in the mine and 4 outside the mine if you follow the clif or wall what ever you wanna call it...

(1 edit)

Here is another suggestion i have but its more aiming to the stats when you level up:

Lucky Ore: Each level in this stat will incese the chance of ores instead of stone by 1.5%

Lucky Vine: Each level in this stat will earn you 0.5% chance of twice the yield in an ore vine (Basicly it loses 5% instead of 10% on every hit)

Quick Learner: Each level in this stat will incese your experience earned by 1-5?%

Loot Goblin: Each level in this stat will give you a 2% chance of more loot when opening the secret chest.

Wood Cutter: Each level in this stat will give you a 1.5% chance of a rare log when chopping tree's (uncommon or rare)

Wood Expert: Each level in this stat gives you a 0.5% chance of earning more wood then usual (+1-3)

Carbon Troll: This stat will incese the chance by 1.5% of carbon instead of coal/stone.

Coal Miner: This stat will incese the chance by 1.5% of coal instead of carbon/stone.

If i come up with more ideas i might edit this one else i cant really think of more atm...

I noticed that you added a shop keep on the other side for grips i was wondering that once the castle was available to enter if you could make a miner shop or something basicly a shop where he sells the respectable ores the reason for this is that you must walk a pretty long distance to even purches this and you also still need to process the ore it self even after purches this would give you the choice of either buying the ingots for full price at the delivery service or walk up to the castle and buy ore for maybe a little discount but you still have to process it...