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A member registered Oct 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Please, did you find any bug?

I think Platypus is the inspiration, hehehe!

Oof! I stopped the development of prototype when the time remaining marked below 1 hour! :)

Sorry for some bugs, friends, the adventure needs more time to make the game without errors...

Incredible game! I feel absence of a mode to toggle fullscreen. this is the only fail!

Well done!

Incredible game! I feel absence of a mode to toggle fullscreen. this is the only fail!

Well done!

The game brings a good promise of fun. Hope the author can turn it into a successful game.

For a game made in two weeks, it is awesome.

Congrats, in name of all brazilian developers!

Tião Ferreira

Cara, o jogo é muito legal, mas algumas coisas fizeram com que eu não desse as cinco estrelas:

1 - Usar barra de espaço para atirar é muito ruim, causa o famoso "bug das 3 teclas", e atrapalha a jogatina;

2 - O jogo já começa com a dificuldade muito alta, não há uma curva de aprendizado. A maioria dos inimigos, mesmo os mais chulés, são duros de matar. O jogo engana o jogador, que perde tempo destruindo as ondas de inimigos, esperando recompensas como em "GRADIUS", kkkk!;

3 - O terceiro e último ponto negativo é um erro que acontece entre telas. Eu estava jogando e o jogo travou e saiu, deixando esta mensagem de erro:


action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_fade:

Moving to next room after the last room.

at gml_Object_obj_fade_Draw_0".

De resto, o jogo é muito massa, a música é bacana, a história é atraente, dá até pra fazer um anime ou mangá. Os gráficos são adequados ao jogo, a única coisa que destoa é que as naves e demais objetos têm linha de contorno, o que contrasta a pixel arte contra o fundo fotográfico das nebulosas. Já os cenários de primeiro plano estão a contento, de acordo com os demais objetos.

Eu gostei! Vou fazer uma resenha sobre o jogo no blog TASBPAN (TODAS AS SUAS BASES PERTENCEM A NÓS), no qual sou um dos editores. Quando puder dê uma passada lá:

Boa semana!

Amazing and different game!

Amazing and different game!

This game is too short and too hard to keep all ships alive.

These are the only bad things about it.

(1 edit)

We're there, dude! :) Oh, I forgot: Can you put a crosshair to allow players aim with more accuracy?

Well, there are my first impressions:

1 - The game shows a weird world, full of monster-pills, an hipnotic music that makes you sleep while play;

2 - The scenario has only a texture, I believe the author had not time to increase the texturization of all materials. So, we must wait for updates;

3 - The perfornace of game is poor on my machine, and my configuration not is so poor, I have an Intel Core Quad CPU 1.61Ghz, with a videocard GeForce GT-610. So, this game, that looks light, would must run free of lags, but when the blade appears, the performance suffers an incredible slowdown, almost stopping the game! The author needs to see this. I don't know if the reason of this problem is my machine, I believe it no;

4 - I feel absence of an intro story. This is not mandatory, but it will be welcome to understand game context.

However, the game brings a good promise of fun. Hope the author can turn it into a successful game.

For a game made in two weeks, it is awesome.

Congrats, in name of all brazilian developers!

Tião Ferreira