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This isn't a criticism, just something I've noticed in the last couple of updates.
If it was me, I would be craving some alone time by now. And the MC might not need the money, but I'd be dying for some routine activity like a job or volunteer work to give his life some sort of purpose, even if it's only a couple of afternoons a week.
I have been unemployed since the start of COVID and I'm feeling incredibly antsy. I need to do something useful or it feels as if my life is slipping away. Anyway, that's just my personal existential crisis.
I agree with you about Alice, she needs a LOT more attention.
There are times when the MC acknowledges that he's been neglecting her and that she deserves more attention, and then he seems to go out of his way to hang out with any other girl except her.
I get the feeling that the MC sees her as more of a sister than he does with the other two, possibly because of their shared history with Martin. I think that has pushed him into a more traditional protective big brother role rather than the boyfriend role with the other two.
He seriously needs to make time for her, not just one off special events like a date followed by a night in a hotel. If she's that horny and time is limited then even a quickie in the bathroom would do.
That's the problem with harems, it's difficult to give each woman the attention she deserves.
I've noticed a slight problem.
It seems like I played the side quests out of order. I finished Sage's quest before completing Chanel's one. There is a whole section of Sage's quest (and of course Total Defence Party that appears once you finish it) that references the business opportunity that I am only now being offered as I finish the Chanel's quest.
I held off finishing Chanel's quest as it got a bit too grindy at one point so I spent some time on the other side quests. Then I got locked into the end sequence of Sage's quest.
My recommendation to anyone playing this is to play the side quests in order and leave Total Defence Party alone until you've finished Chanel's quest.
I broke down at the bit in chapter 13 where he leaves the photo of Lori behind. It struck quite close to home for me, I had to take a break.
If I had a single remaining photo of a long lost loved one and I had one final chance to take it with me or lose it forever, you bet I would take it with me. I wouldn't risk my life to retrieve it but he's not short of space or in a rush so it didn't make sense to me to just leave it behind.
I'm facing a huge dilemma.
I want to play this all in one go, it usually takes me about 3 - 3.5 hours to play the 6 days in each update. It's half past 9 in the evening. Do I play it right now and just stay up late, or do I torture myself and leave it til tomorrow?
There's only one answer to that question. Looks like I'm in for a late night.