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A member registered Dec 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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I sent you a friend request through discord you can use me for art and design. I'm learning Godot right now too.  Not quite as intuitive as some of the other engines but learning is coming quick.

I could work with ya, I highly suggest you stay away from Unity though, come Jan it's gonna get ugly.

(1 edit)

I could be interested in joining your team, I'd be open to different roles. I do pixel art, program in several languages but I've done a lot in java full stack development with AWS services angular front end web development, I was building my own games in Unity.... but we all know what's going on with that hot mess. Come January it probably won't be an engine anymore. I've worked with Unreal a little bit still learning C++ but it usually comes quick and I've worked with pointers in C. Mainly interested in just learning a roll and honing my abilities.

my Discord is .scottjones I'd be willing to share some of my work in art or programming as well but I'm still putting together my webportfolio.

I haven't used Godot before but given the insanity going on with Unity I'd see that as a safer engine to work in. Did you have a specific game in mind you wanted to work on or were you wanting to mostly just build the game systems while other people designed and did artwork?

I'd be interested in working with you, what engine are you working in?

Hi there, I'm looking for talent for a top down 2D horror project but were looking for a year iteration cycle for full production. I'll send you a friend request in Discord and see how you feel about contributing to the project. I liked your portfolio though it appears like you might be a good fit.

Thank you,

Scott Jones

Sent you a friend request through Discord, I'm looking to pick up members for a year long project on a  top down 2D horror game. This is unpaid initially but has the opportunity for royalties after the project is completed.

Sent you a friend request through discord interested in talking to you about a project we have a small team working on. It's going to be about a year long. Top down 2D horror title in Unity. We are in need of a experienced programmer so I'm searching around for someone who would be interested. This will be a full production cycle, not just a game jam. So if you have interest and are willing to work for free with royalties after the project is finished we'd like to have you aboard.


Scott Jones

Hello DreamShake13,

I'm sort of searching around trying to fill out the rest of a small team for development on our horror game we currently have 3-4 working, on the title. It's a top down 2D game with a set of unique mechanics. Were looking for a lead programmer currently. The length of the project will be ~1 year. This is unpaid work for the time being with the possibility of royalties in the future. Currently I'm Producing the project and doing narrative, we have an art lead, a game/level designer as well.  A few of us already program, and you wouldn't be working alone. But essentially I'm looking for someone who understands good practices, notation, and can take a lead in structuring the scripting for the game. We are working in Unity. If you are interested you can add me on Discord Scott Jones#7863

Thanks for your time,

Scott Jones

I'd be very interested in working with you, I like your sprite work and I'd be interested in your musical talent as well. Scott Jones#7863  on Discord, I'm currently working on pre-prototype for a 2D top down horror game in Unity. This is a collab project that we have at the moment with some unique twists on the genre. I'm busy doing narrative work right now, and I've been doing the 2D art solo so far. I know my team could use a art lead with a bit more experience then I have. The project should be about 1 year long after which we expect to be in marketing stages. This is a non-commission roll but obviously at the end of the project we plan to split proceeds fairly among the development team Which is fairly small currently. No more then 3 people including myself. I'd like to have a team of somewhere around 4-6 for development not including Voice Actors. To keep the work flow steady and break up tasks efficiently. If you are interested please don't hesitate to let me know and we could discuss more specifics about the project, and I could get you an invite to the discord channel.

Thank you,

Scott Jones

Hi there, I'm fairly new to making games myself I'd be interested in doing Artwork, programming, story writing, or whatever else a project needs. Mainly just looking to get my feet wet with a team of people also interested in putting together a portfolio. I've tried building a couple of my own games but I generally get stuck about halfway through as I run into optimization issues. I have some Aseprite animations to showcase if you are interested. I have a lot of TCG experience and I do have some half built projects from game maker. I'd need to learn C# as I've been using GML but I've programmed in object-oriented paradigms before. I'm actually waiting for my AS in computer science as I just graduated. So anyway if I could tag into this project whatever it ends up being I'd be looking to stick it through to the end.