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A member registered Apr 11, 2024

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This Game is great, i really like how the game handels dealing with the NSDAP as a german myself.

I would like if you could add a Sandbox mode with infinite rescources, witch would propably make an interesting expiriment.

I  really like the game mechanics, as in the think big projects menu and how reforming things work, but it seems to me that this game, as far as i see, you can only go on a
"neoliberal/completly free market=good/big government=bad government"
kinda route, as for example a flat tax rate is considered a "good" and "fair" thing, and decreasing welfare is good and makes people work harder. But i really appreciate the game mechanics as told earlier.

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Agree, the soviet union had at least some basic needs met while no government intervention in the economy at all always resulted in massive inequality and unrest in the population, with living standarts falling.