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Time Stealer

A member registered Nov 01, 2021

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Stay on the other side of the gap and use the balls to reach the button.


Spanking is still not my cup of tea, but I did enjoy the logic puzzles/tactic games. With slightly better graphics and more erotica, it could be a six star game. 

Good job, thank you for sharing!

Is it relevant to the story if I play with a sub or dom character?

Entered the Wrong Door (Opens in Tavern)

That's about what it means.


Am I remembering wrong or is there really a mission with Kriala? I've done everything else.

You can buy from the old trader in the market.

I understand, thank you.

Will the game continue? And if so, will there be canonical events (e.g. the killing of Arachne)?

You have to get the iron ore from the cave, from the goblins. What you buy at the blacksmith doesn't work.

Да, ты прав. Спасибо. :)

I only found 6 chests. SPOILER ALERT!

Under the pier, at the cave, in the field, at the picnic site, at the lake, and at the demon statue.

If there is only one chest in a location, how do you get 8? I cannot dig in the forest.

Oh, I haven't even tried fishing... I would also recommend that you make a short, textual guide for the sake of the less smart (like me). 

I know about the rest. I don't have a problem with spanking (it's not my cup of tea in real life, but it's ok in the game), but a little variety would be nice. (e.g. other positions. I think this is already planned, based on the conversations.) Thanks for the reply.

Okay. (I warn you in advance, I don't want to blame your work, I just don't speak english well enough.)

So: in my opinion, building our reputation and making money is too slow.  We can earn 10 gold/day in the warehouse. A hairbrush 30, a strap 150. That's hyperinflation! :)

We have to spend a lot of time in court to get new developments. I know that's our job, but most of us work a lot in real life too. Because we do the same thing all the time, after a while it becomes repetitive. (The 54700th same spanking is not really fun anymore.) That's why I asked about the possible sexual content. Unfortunately, there are few purely lesbian games. (I'm not interested in penises as a man.)

Again, this is just my personal opinion. It's your game, it has to be the way you want it to be. 

It's an interesting game, but it would be nice if you had to grind less. Can we expect sexual content in the future?

(1 edit)

"A bit too hard"  ;) laugh

You should add something meaningful to win, not just a "You win" sign. This is disappointing.

There is one hit-and-run opponent you might want to review. You can't attack back at her, but if you beat the others on the field, she'll keep attacking. 

Good luck for the future.

A real pity. It's almost impossible to win with this combat system.  (I've made it to the final boss three times, and I've won one of them. After many attempts.) Thanks the answer.

Is there a cheat code for this?

Quest 5, Quest 22, and the Grip of ice DLC.


Others have complained about it. Supposedly this is the solution.

"Its tied to monitor refresh rate, I have a 240 hz monitor i changed my hz rate to 60 and the horse minigame is extremely slow and doable after"

Don't ask me what it means, I have no idea.

We hope. :)

There is no such option.

During the innkeeper mission, if I threaten the guards, I get an error message.

 "I doubt it will be implemented"

Me too, but who knows? I like intelligent evil characters. ;)

I wrote earlier: Naho is proud and arrogant. If you break her, you lose the very essence of hers character. Smashing someone is no great performance, any brute can do it. Manipulate her with arguments to get her on your side. To this I say, fit for a king.

Here's an idea (sorry, I'm not a good writer) :

"You don't hate me, Moon Howler. You are afraid of me. I beat you, and you know I'd beat you again any day. You don't understand why I spared you, do you? 

I could have killed you. I could have fucked you. Or I could have handed you over to your pack to do it themselves. But I need a queen. 

I rule the daytime. You can have the night, if you're worthy of it.  Do you think you can do it? Or am I wrong and you're nothing but a loud dog?" 

Something like this. Other: I would like to buy your game next month. Should I buy it here or on Steam?

Naho is proud and arrogant. If you break her, you lose the very essence of hers character. Smashing someone is no great performance, any brute can do it. Manipulate her with arguments to get her on your side. To this I say, fit for a king.

Her hatred is understandable, but if I don't hurt her, she can't be a spouse. Will she be possible in the future to recruit without breaking she?

(1 edit)

You can't, unfortunately. Maybe there will be an opportunity later. For example, we don't rape her and humiliate in public, we just hold her captive. Then we could convince her to come over to our side and lead the pack into battle for us.

You don't colour the characters on purpose? 

Will there be adult content in the future? 

Do our previous decisions matter? (For example, the judgements we make in the prologue, or our academic performance. )

Boring and annoying. We have very little chance of winning. The stakes cannot be raised. If you run out of money, you have to wait an hour and a half for the next game.  If you are very patient/lucky, you will see a moderately drawn nude image. I do not recommend this "game" to anyone.


It is in the public version. I don't know the steam version.

"The one I broke into the house at the being while I was running away from the guard."

She is Enid. If you've been gentle with it and got it pregnant, it may join you in the nest later. (She will come to you.)

"the peasant"

You mean the farm girl?  Marie-Ann? (she is one of the waifu.)

Settle down in the mountains.

Thanks! :)

So for the moment it has no function, because there is no specific goal to be achieved.

I don't know what it affects. I used  cheat code to get it up to max, but it drops back to 30 very quickly. And I can't really increase it with torture because the character dies.

Do the fear statistics make sense?

Interesting game, but I have a few questions.

You don't colour the characters on purpose? (It's like playing with ghosts.)

Will there be adult content in the future? (I found two scenes.)

Do our previous decisions matter? (For example, the judgements we make in the prologue, or our academic performance. )

Interesting idea, but it spoils the game that there is no goal. I mean, no matter what you do to the character, she reverts to she's default state (unless you kill she).

So we can torture/entertain them for eternity, but for what? If it's a trainer game, their values (fear/heal) should matter, and we need some closure to the plot.