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A member registered Dec 10, 2020

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I don't know if it was on purpose but there is no scrolling bar to get to all the text that there is, so If we hit a long string of words then we can't select anything because they are off the screen with no way to get to them

(1 edit)

does the cousin that sometimes visits you to talk about how fat you've been getting and comments on how big your boobs are eventually disappear because after I passed a certain weight it feels like they just disappear. 

i found a glitch where if you make the god of the street cult go away then go to dinner with one of the members of said street cult, when dinner is over and they haul you away it softlocks the game

thank you for telling me 

I am very confused, I finished chapter 1(not chapter 0), and then suddenly it says that some of the chapters are missing and sends me straight to chapter 7, is this normal or is this a glitch?