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A member registered Jun 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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pretty cool, using markov chains is clever

also damn you really wrote a whole essay on markov chains

this is a very shitty game, if you know what i mean...

actually a pretty cool concept, just needs a tutorial and better art

really cool game, impressive for an hour, had lots of fun!

very fun game! hope you guys are able to get justice with the app store copycat

use wine


wow its the pino griddy founder

no, it has to be made during the jam

"victm of magic, apollo" is a reference to the song Isle Upon Thyself, and i think "likes to walk and talk" might be a reference of Ruler of Everything

a fellow miracle musical fan?

this is a true work of art

most likely yes i think, but if you want an answer quickly you should ask in the discord

truly one of the games of all time

cool but you can just get the ball  to the top and spam click for infinite points, it would be interesting if the ball went to the side randomly sometimes

also isn't it illegal to use mouse movement? hmmmmmm

pineapple pizza is good, 0/10 game /j

can confirm, there was a button

very cool, i think it would be nice if there were some way to tell how much time is left until the ball goes back into the white mode though

this is best game i ever play 10/10

the game is restricted

i got to 26, is there anything new after that?

(2 edits)

let's go gambling!

seriously though, super cool game, would love to see more content!

also the color for explosive and fire look almost the same, i think it would be nice if they had a bigger difference, or an icon that showed what kind it is.

also tier is misspelled

super cool game, would 10/10 rampage through the landscape as a giant pumpkin again

me highscore :D

nice game


i just realized the url is "basedonatruestory"

42 my favorite number


dang thats super good, i tried to make it harder but i guess you're too good lol, thanks for playing

penis printer


hand stuck in wall :(

aside from bugs, pretty cool game! the movement is a bit slow though, and it would be nice to have more interesting level design and better box movement. i talked about more improvements in the google form, but overall very cool game, i would love to play a more polished version of this!

this game made my trash computer explode, 10/10

nah i love ice cream, is that bad

bro is angry because he got rejected by a gay

(1 edit)

its pretty cool, but really difficult, or maybe i just have skill issue. 9/10

my only complaint is its too short, i want to beat up pino for an eternity

pino griddy/10

understandable have a grate day