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A member registered Jul 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Link to the discord? the link is broken

I feel like 8 dollars is pretty cheap, but that just means more sales so it's still good

sorry I couldn't get it working, I cant find the files for the game atm so I cant quite change the platform of it, also the newer build I was working on is also quite broken

(1 edit)

its 7:25 pm for me

tonight or tomorrow

oh, I may put up a webgl build (version playable in browser)

got a better game just like this on my profile, I'd check that one out since I'm not really working on this game anymore

so I have a script that allows me to drag stuff, but when I start it it only works if click through is not enabled, but then I cannot move any windows on my device, is there something I'm missing?

i agree

I think the game's demo sums up the game pretty well. I think the game has a very good Idea and features are great. Breaking walls and smashing enemies through it is fun. Likes for this game has to be the teleportation system and spawning in waves, enemies AI and jumping over to you is cool, Powers are awesome. My dislikes are probably the way the UI appears, don't get me wrong Its totally fine other than like the look that it has is just kinda flat. if the buttons that you click really pop out of the screen so its layered I think would fix this problem. another big issue that I had is when you jump or fly or fall onto the ground from really high in the air sometimes your body gets lodged in the ground and gets completely stuck and teleporting back to spawn doesn't work either. I had to reset the game a couple times due to the issue. also the map barriers to keep you from falling off the map do the same thing and my camera just drifts away from the map.  missions would be cool like catching a robber, or just some cool stuff like that. The breakable surfaces are really neat! in all I like the game I think it could have a lot of potential. if the game gets a lot of polish i think it would be really awesome. I don't think its worth 20$ though, maybe 10-15. keep up the good work!

when is the new map coming out

this game is so amazing






I'd need to set up a payment thingy for my account, definitely will if I can

Sorry, It just takes too long to change settings, convert from web gl to an .exe and then do that every time I make an update... I'll make it downloadable when I finish the game/ finish all of the levels. I'll try to make it downloadable tonight or tomorrow, when I finish the next update

Yep! gonna be downloadable later today, or tomorrow if I don't get to it today


I never actually thought about that but maybe i could add in  suggested ragdolls that people want in the game? I'm not sure how i would make a ragdoll creator, I'm not too good at coding, but  its a great idea!

Glad to know you enjoy the game!

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