This was addictive! I really like the art. It feels expressive and engaging. I hope that future content lets the player tell Joyce that they actually liked some of what she did in the second half of the game :p
Recent community posts
Hi! I'm enjoying the introduction, but that is unfortunately the only part I've been able to access. After choosing the type of voice, the VN does not advance at all. Clicking moves nothing forward, the game can't be saved, and I found that menu options weren't really working. This happened no matter which voice I chose. I'm on Windows 10. Any ideas?
SPOILERS? (for nothing happening)
Perhaps this is perverse, but I thought I had found the possibility for a secret ending and was a bit disappointed that it didn't exist (though that's on me). It seemed that, given the premise, working the entire month and saving the whole paycheque might logically allow one to end the month by moving out on one's own. It was kind of funny to have $6000 in the bank account and still apparently find it impossible to just go rent a bachelor apartment or something. The main character makes a decent wage!
Some of the other characters could use a redraw, but I actually quite like the Theresa art. Anyway, given how quickly development is going, it might make sense to keep the momentum until it's completed and then direct Patreon money into some sort of remaster while developing a hypothetical future game.
I've only played through the fully consensual route, but I have to say that I loved how you handled the matter of consent. It was really cool to have characters actually talk through the issues when they needed to do so. Well done, author.
Question: are you planning on adding enough new content as to constitute new routes? If so, I'd be really interested to see how Kyou would react to the idea of being hypnotized and submissive himself. It didn't seem to be brought up as a possibility at all (even one to be dismissed) in the route that I played.