DAAAGHHHH, I'm happy there is finally a date but damnit I only wish it were sooner!! I cannot wait for this!
Recent community posts
I really, really like this! I just wish there were a save function rather than codes (as unique as they are, they are a little pointless imo). The characters (that are available to meet more than once) feel very real and I immediately bonded with them, and it felt like a much needed diversion from "you are the weakling little prey surrounded by people who want to me mean and eat you" and more like "you can get eaten if you want.. but nobody really SERIOUSLY wants to nab you." It felt very friendly with just enough worry that maybe someone wasn't so friendly (the yeena, boar), but did it in a way that was very, very satisfying!
Aside from my main gripe above, I do wish there were more post-digestion things that happened (basing my experience on Talon), e.g. maybe smoother transitions from full to not-so-full, a little more reaction from preds, and maybe some brief glimpses into the after-effects of being digested?
Also, minor minor lore gripe. The "reformation" vials from the very beginning are never mentioned again! It would be such a cool tool to keep Kit alive in the event of something sub-optimal happening to him, or more!
All this aside, while I didn't play and explore every inch of the game, I am really in love with the vibe so far!!! Seriously, high praises from one writer to another <3
Please keep up the awesome work!
Just finished(*) v0.1 and I have to say I'm pretty happy with the new combat stuff. For the first area the game definitely feels more balanced than it did in previous builds and felt much more lively with the addition of the whole Interact stories and new character. However, I found the game beyond this point to be incredibly frustrating. Enemies such as the Bloodsucker, the Taur (forget his name) is virtually unbeatable, and the boss in the Bell Tower is also completely unbeatable as far as I can tell. Not to mention the enemies here simply feel far too powerful for the player (or perhaps I built my character very poorly? Either way, it was too frustrating to go through and do it all again).
My major complaints revolve around enemy's special abilities. Unlike the player, they seem to be bound to no limits, meaning Bloodsucker can use Leech as many time as random chance desires. I had several runs where she simply used no other attack than Leech, completely preventing me from beating her whatsoever until I died or fled. I feel getting hit by Leech six times in a row like I did is a little unfair. Additionally, the Taur enemy simply game overs the player the second he gets to use Deluge regardless of defending. Every time I faced them, it was simply deal as much damage as possible before being blasted into your save point. As far as I can tell, there is no winning- but again, perhaps I just suck. To be fair, this genre of game is fairly new to me.
Moving on to the boss, I attempted to beat him around 40-50 times with no success. The general pattern seems to be something along these lines:
If he uses his heavy attack in the first 2-3 moves, restart- no chance to win.
If he does not use his heavy in the first few moves, use multiple hit attacks to break his barriers (I used Deluge, as I had nothing else that could do so). But, no matter what, he gets 2-3 more, deals damage (usually too much to bother continuing the fight if he doesn't outright obliterate you), and leaves you in a cycle of trying to break his barriers and deal enough damage before he uses all those Revelations on you and sends you to the next restart, which is guaranteed by the time you get them down for the second time, anyways. Perhaps with a higher vitality build than mine it'd be slightly more feasible, but from my attempts there is literally just no way to do the damage necessary before being killed, or maybe I just suck that bad and wasn't patient enough, but regardless this was my experience.
In reference to the point system (vitality, attack, luck, speed, etc) it seems there is very little and thus no reason to utilize anything but vitality and attack since speed doesn't appear to contribute much and luck is, well, luck. Perhaps give them a bit more purpose, or buff them slightly to be valid build options?
In conclusion, everything after the first boss seems rather poorly balanced, the Taur, Bloodsucker, and Angel are impossible or incredibly annoying/RNG-based to beat, and some of the stats seem rather useless options.
I apologize if this all sounds very nitpicky or if it's just outright wrong, I certainly can't look at the game's code and see what everything does to make a perfectly sound judgement thus just have what I experienced playing to go off. I say all of this because I do enjoy the game and would love to see it improve and grow! I hope this helps going forward, and that more players come forwards with some (perhaps not so lengthy) reviews! Thank you to the dev for putting time into this game.
(P.S., perhaps playtesting these updates would help? I'm not much of a dev, nor am I super great at analyzing things, but I truly believe it would help!)
Thank you again!
Awesome game! Love what I've seen so far. My main issue with the game comes down to balancing. It is possible to outright FAIL the first encounter and immediately lose. Additionally, there seems to literally be no way to even semi-consistently beat level 2 without investing two into vitality, a point into erotic, and spamming the fluid buff. I've only managed to get beyond level 3 twice in many, many runs after experimenting with stats and such.
Beyond these problems, again, seems like it could be a pretty solid game! Hope to see it grow some more soon
Awesome game! Only gripe I have is that the turquoise text on black background is extremely hard on the eyes. I'm not sure how this engine works (I've only seen it run with one colour of text, so I'm not even sure if it's possible) but perhaps options to change the text colour could be added in the future? Certainly would help with the longer reads.
(At the time of writing, I have currently finished version 0.20 whilst 0.21 is currently available. This review contains only my views after playing 0.20, and some things might be inaccurate for 0.21.)
I honestly don't know how to describe this game very well. It isn't bad, but it's certainly not a typical FVN. It seems very sporadic and some (if not most) of the events don't really make any sense (at least to me). No real context is given for (Greys, in particular) some things, the situations (Mall store running out of chicken, overly-aggressive PE teacher, other 'Japanese' teacher, especially the out of nowhere 'ghost') don't really seem believable or have no obvious purpose or reason for being there. I also didn't personally enjoy the stock music scattered about the game- not to say it harmed the experience, but some of it is so overused I could not take the game seriously when I heard it. I understand custom sound design is expensive and not everyone can afford it, I just believe it could have been done better. Feel free to disagree with me on that, though.
Another issue I believe is an issue with the game is that it simply cannot take itself seriously. I will admit that I am personally biased here in the fact that I personally prefer the darker FVNs, but even for a light-hearted novel it simply threw around far too much to feel genuine and interesting. Again, feel free to disagree with me here- perhaps that's just my personal preference on the scene impacting my review- but that is what I truly believe.
Now, I'm sure some of these things can be chalked up to "The game isn't done!" or "It's not far in enough to have been explained yet!", but frankly, I personally did not enjoy this game much due to everything I've listed. I would not recommend it to any friends searching for FVNs to play, as I just can't suggest a game with such 'strange', contextless design. If I had to give a rating out of 10, I could only give it a 6.5-7/10.
I don't say any of this to slander the creators of the game, but rather to help the team gain an idea of what they can do to make it the best game possible! These kinds of games make up the majority of my reading nowadays, and it hurts my heart to see underperforming games or games that only need a bit more love to be truly wonderful, and as such I'm very passionate about giving developers the best constructive reviews as possible while also giving interested players a good idea on what to expect from the game before playing. I hope to see this game grow well in the coming updates!
The game is very well made. The music is decent, the characters are fantastic, and the plot is fairly good. The only quall I have with the game is its length. When the Accept route was finished, I was left wondering if that was really the end of the game or if I had just done something I shouldn't have. While it being short isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just felt like this game was setting up way more than it actually offered. Other than that, it's definitely a good VN!
Very, very underrated FVN! I loved the story, the writing was decent although I did find errors from time to time in varying degrees of severity (nothing that harmed my understanding of what was being said), the characters were amazing, and all in all it's a fantastic read that I'd easily put with some of the bigger, newer visual novels. The only lacking part was the cheesyness in how the endings are determined. It wasn't the most exciting thing to learn how the best ending was achieved, but it makes sense, and I still loved playing through the game. Hope to see more games from this dev soon!
This game is, hands down across the board, amazing. Before I go further, I'll be brushing upon the story, so spoilers ahead.
To start off, I absolutely must praise the character development. At first I was hesitant to try this game, but as I got past the first chapter I knew this was gold. At first I truly did not like Lance (Cooper), but the story got me to warm up to him at the same pace with Colin. The small moments where some semblance of kindness seemed to shine through kept me slowly easing up, and set me up for the absolute drop when we realized Lance was just selling us back to get harvested in Reboon (forgive me if I mispelled the city name wrong, my memory can be short). Long story, I was absolutely jaw-dropped. I realized quite late that the amazing character development and plot had made me forget about the description of the main page alluding to this betrayal, and when I did realize I was double jaw-dropped. Needless to say, my opinions of Lance have vastly swayed, leaving me really on-par with Colin's point of view.
Rose has easily become one of my favourite characters of the game, perhaps even placing pretty high in my favourite characters ever. Don't ask why, but everything about their character is just bliss. Same goes for the entire dynamic between the group, which makes everyone just so much more interesting- I can tell a lot of work went into making them just right, and dear Lord did it pay off!
It's only now as I'm tying that I notice I've failed to bring up more than just characters, but it's hard not to. They're just done so well!
In regards to story, the game somehow manages to constantly beat itself every chapter- it just gets better and better every time. It's hard to describe why, more just an experience it for yourself sort of thing, I suppose.
I find it difficult to bring even the sightest bad thing about this game. The only issue I encountered in grammar (I'm very picky with grammar and did not find a SINGLE issue. Wowee..) was some random "}" hanging around near the beginning on the Android build. Beyond that, the game is genuinely.. Flawless. It's almost like an actual, high end studio put the game together rather than a bunch of furries with fur-for-brains. I genuinely cannot praise the game enough- good job devs. This is easily going to end up as my #1 or #2 FVN of all time (close tie with Echo right now.. We'll see how that goes).
Conclusion? Just play the game. I beg you.
I only played the first ~quarter(?) of the game, but bear with me. This covers my feelings of the game as I have experienced in that time, and I have good reasons as to why I did not play further before reviewing.
(Edit: Apparently I was at the end of the public build. I was not aware of this at the time of posting- game file size fooled me into thinking the game was longer. Apologies.)
I'd say this is a great game, but sadly I can only say it's good. Unfortunately, the english is incredibly poor, making the game more frustrating than it should be to play through. I felt a lot of the events taking place towards the beginning weren't given much pretext, making a lot of it seem rather sudden.
I also noticed the scar on MC's chest is on the incorrect side when compared to the CG showing the wound. This isn't a big deal, but once I noticed it didn't stop bugging me so I thought I'd mention it.
Overall, the characters are a solid 7.8. I just can't give them a smooth 8, as a lot of stuff they do seems (again) rather sudden at times. Some characters are very forward without obvious purpose or reason, and you could say this is just the characters themselves or me not being deep enough into the story to know yet, but it soured my time reading to the point I didn't want to progress as much.
Once again, this is just my experience with the first quarter or so with the game. I'd overall give the game a 7.5, but I feel if these issues were addressed it would be a solid 8.5. The main problem I had was with what I could only assume to be translations. Those alone made me quit before finishing. Again, overall good game, just not as good as it could be right now. Better translations and characters would fix everything I found for the most part.
Looking forward to continuing in the future!
Fantastic game! Perhaps an Android port in the future is possible? Just an idea.
The game was pretty good in regards to, well, everything a nsfw game of this sort can offer, but certainly lacked in any sort of ambience, as well as sprites for the various places items may go (at least, in my opinion. If you're going to let us put stuff where stuff usually doesn't go, at least make it visible, no?) These are minor gripes overall and of course did not really affect the game in any serious way. I understand the game is fairly brand-new, so perhaps these could be ideas for future development. All in all though, good game.
I definitely did not just write a full review for a furry nsfw game, dear lord.
The game is very poorly optimized on Android versions and will randomly crash during fights after playing at ~15 fps the entire time, making it a bit diffifcult to play, but otherwise was very, very good! There were also issues regarding save files after crashing, where your name would reset to the default and change your class randomly- I am not sure if this problem extends to any other version of the game other than Android. Other than these issues, the story elements are very well done, the new artwork for the backgrounds is good, the characters have a lot of personality, and overall was a positive experience! If the Android version were better optimized, I'd easily say it's one of the top #5 VNs I'e ever played.