Hi! If you're still looking, I'm interested in the background artist or cg artist role
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Hey everyone!
I've been really wanting to join a Spooktober Jam. I am a character artist, CG artist, concept artist as well as background and item artist. I have two different art styles, but I can also change them up a bit too. I've put my examples below.
Please put some information about your project in the message and also mention if you have previously worked on other visual novels too.
More of my work: https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumgraphics
Contact info:
discord: titaniumskin
email: titaniumskin@yahoo.com

Hi, I'm Titanium, a semi-realistic illustrator interested in working on projects. I can design both character art, cgs, background and items. I dabble a bit in UI as well. I have two different styles as you can see, the line art being cheaper than the fully rendered. I am looking for paid jobs, or a hybrid rev-share with a promising Kickstarter (basically willing to get a part of the payment and receive the full payment if the game is fully funded (Kickstarter, sales etc..)).
Here is my portfolio: https://titaniumskin.wixsite.com/titaniumskin , Each tab will take you to examples of specific work, such as semi-realistic, colored line art, concept and creature art, character design and more. You can find my prices here as well.
My discord: titaniumskin
If you can't contact me there for some reason, here is my email: titaniumskin@yahoo.com
Here are some examples:
Hello, I'm an avid gamer and writer. I lean toward anything fantasy whether it be grimdark or YA (The former being my fave). I have many story ideas in different genres (still have a bit of fantasy) that I think would be amazing as games such as visual novels or even RPGs. I can write NSFW scenes too, so you are covered if you want spicy scenes in your story.
My rates start at $0.10/word for commercial projects, but I can accept down to $0.05/word if there is a promising revshare/Kickstarter involved. $0.12-0.15 if it's from scratch with lore and worldbuilding.
Here is an example from my current Dark Epic Fantasy novel:
My discord: Titan!umskin#9930