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A member registered Feb 02, 2018

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Game looks very promising. There are so many existing and upcoming medieval battle games already, many of them brilliantely developed by big companies, so I think it would be clever/great when this game is different and does not focus on battle too much but on building, crafting, economy, managing the town and  related difficult moral decisions.  I think there is a  large fan base and market for it, as proven by non-combat games like Banished and Forest Village (and even The Sims).  With difficult moralic decision I mean for instance:  How will the city ruler spend his money: for a public school, an orphanage, for granting education fees for poor kids in his town or supporting poor families etc. Regular audiences for needy people who came with such requests belonged to the life of city rulers at that time. How will he balance taxes and duties against well-being of the villagers/citizens, etc.