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A member registered Feb 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Without spoiling anything, All that I can say is that the ending of this game had me laughing my ass off for a while.  Loved the retro graphical direction you chose to go with.  Though the fixed camera angels gave me Silent Hill flash backs, and I both hate and love you for that.  Great job!

So, I would call this more of a experience rather then a game, but that does not change the fact that you made here is quite interesting.  I love the art style you chose to go with and over the music choice is quite nice as well.  I just wish that there was a little more "game" to this project.  Either way great job!

This games feels like just the right blend of spooky and goofy.  I would say it is down right SPOOPY!  I would like to know why the monster likes rubber ducks though... Besides that I really enjoyed this.  Great job dude! 

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I will not lie, this little game you made is borderline perfect.  The sound design was nice, and the graphical style combined with the darkness made the monster much more terrifying.  I went into this thinking it would just be a sorta Mandela Catalog inspired home intruder type game, but you did something MUCH better then that and for your first horror game as well.

Although my dumbass had a bit of trouble trying to figure out the proper translation, I really enjoyed the game.  Super short, sweet, and spooky.  Amazing job!

The fact that I did not spot the monster at all until about half way through the game some how made this SO much creepier.  Sorta like you KNEW something out there and you could not see it, that is until it wanted you to.  Amazing job!

You managed to make quite the fun little horror game. I have not seen a whole lot of stuff to do with Eyeless Jack in a long time.  I quite appreciate how you do not actually see him until the very end as well.  The build up to the big scare at the end was quite good, and the graphical choice is interesting.  The voice acting needs a little work.  But beyond that the game is quite nice.

You did a very good job with this little horror game.  The graphical choice is eye catching and the idea of crawling through a dark and claustrophobia inducing cave is terrifying.  I will admit I had a bit of trouble getting stuck on things, but that was most likely due to me not going far enough around corners before trying to turn.  I honestly would love to see what the full model of the monster looks like.  The small glimpses we get of it in game make me wanna know and see more!  The only thing that I think the game needs a bit more ambiance.  Like your movements echoing, water dripping, some pebbles falling stuff like that.  Keep up the amazing work!

After playing both of your Deathtroopers games. I gotta say that this one is a major improvement over the first.  I just REALLY wish that the ended was different.  Graphically it is quite nice, and I love the animations the infected have.  Good job!

I played both this game, and the sequel that you made for it.  I see a lot of potential with both of your Deathtroopers games.  I really wish that this one was longer, or had more to do.  I do like just how pretty it is though.  I do have two kinda big problems I ran into though while playing this little game though.  One being that opening this game caused steam vr to open up upon start.  The other being that quite a few of the zombies were getting stuck in one spot.    I love the idea of this game and the sequel, and with a little more polish I think you will have a cool little thing here!

I love this game!  I really wish that more people made games like this.  The art style is really nice, and the same goes for the music.   The story is both really sad and yet oddly nice.  The only flaw I could find with this little game is that it is not longer. 

I played both Reunion and Revenge in one sitting.  I must say I enjoyed both of them, but since this is the Revenge page I am going to focus on that.

The game is graphically really nice just like Reunion.  Jane looks really nice, and it was good to see Jeff return.  I also love how there is ALOT more voice acting in this game.  However, I have one major gripe with this game.  The pathing of Jane can be very annoying at times due to how there seems to be no pattern to it.  Over all though the game is a pretty good sequel to Reunion.

I decided to give both Reunion and Revenge a go in one sitting.  I must say I enjoyed both of them, but since this is the Reunion page I will focus on that.  The game is pretty cool I will not lie.  I like Jeff's model and the graphical style reminds me of Slender Man: The Eight Pages.  If I had to be critical on one thing, I wish Jeff had some more voice lines.  Maybe a few little throw away lines while he searches for and chases you.  Amazing job!

I would suggest Candle Cove.  Making something like that could involve some analog horror or found footage elements.

This was a nice little spooky game.  The voice acting needed a little work but, it was not that big of a issue at all.  Loved the black and white color pallet, and the choice of a game based around the Shy Guy (096) was a awesome one!

I am gunna be honest I love the atmosphere that you managed to create with so little.  The sound design really carries this little game.  The human head on the dog was a little goofy admittedly, but I kinda loved it for that reason.  Great job!

I really wish that more analog horror style games existed.  A analog horror angle can let you do so much with so little, and this game proves it!

This game is amazing for how simple it is, and actually managed to give me some chills.  Bravo!  I just wish that it was longer, or maybe we had a chance to have the person inside speak to us before the game came to a end.  Not to mention the way you chose to due the eyes and the face hidden inside the puppet was amazing.  It reminded me of the FNAF tapes or the Walten Files.  Please make more games like this!  

My only wish is that this little game was longer.  The sound design is amazing.  The monster design, though simple in my opinion, is still really good for the setting.  Simple monster designs are sometimes the best!  I hope that I can play more of these in the future!  Amazing job guys!  Please continue to make awesome stuff like this.

Brovo is all I can say to you.  This is a awesome little project you managed to produced and would love to see more.  The little totem you find in game reminds me of Blare Witch and I thought that was cool.  My favorite touch you put into the game was the radio chatter.  It does not seem like much, but simple stuff like that really helps you feel immersed in the setting.

I must say I love the retro style of the game and how you did the build up to the climax of the game.  I was a bit worried at first with how slow the build up was, but I grew to really love it considering the setting of the game.  I just really wish that game was a bit longer.  My only real problem with the game was how dark it was.  Even with turning on the lights it was really dark.  I hope that you keep building off of this concept and make more.

I was hoping for a simple enough job.  Just go in and put up a few flyers right?  No, I gotta deal with the building's crazy crack head monster stalking me.

In all seriousness though this is a pretty good little game.  The monster was creepy and the design of the building's interior was unsettling.  Great job!

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I think I actually managed to get a sort of good ending?  Though in the process I believe I may doomed the next employee of this horrid gas station to a terrible fate.

This was a awesome little experience of a game.  Lighting and sound design were both really good.  The dated graphical design was a nice touch.  Made things feel like a old school horror game.  Great work on this.  Hope to see more from you in the future!  Keep up the amazing work!

Not gunna lie, I love this game.  I just wish it was longer!  It is far to short for how cool this game is.  Please MORE of this.  Would love to know more about the story revolving this underwater city!

I am quite suprised with this little game.  I wish it was longer because I loved the atmosphere.  You were able to make a great horror game!  I am glad mannequins do not really freak me out though.  If you though, this game may give you nightmares!

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This is by far one of the, if not the best found footage style of horror game I have ever played.  Bravo!  The sound design and atmosphere is top quality in this game!  I hope you continue to make amazing games like this in the future.

I love the audio of this little game you have made.  Good audio is one of the key things to making a good game, and you have made a REALLY good one.  I cannot wait to see more of your games in the future!

I actually really loved this demo.  The presentation is quite good and the graphical quality of this game is VERY impressive.  Good job you all.  I can not wait to see what the full game may hold.

I loved the fact the game can understand what you are saying and that you can play it that way.  I just wish it was a bit better, as I had issues about half way through where the game could not understand what I was saying anymore.  Either way amazing job and can not wait to see more from you all!

I gotta say dude, you made a amazing little horror experience.  Keep up the amazing work cause I can not wait to see more of your work.  

I 100% recommend that you check out this game if you are fan of SCP!

Bravo to you, you made quite the spooky little game.  Gave me quite the fright and I would really like to see more.  Great Work on this game!

I adore this little demo and can not wait to play more!  On a side note the music of this game is both terrifying and yet oddly nice.  Amazing work on the sound and music in this game.

This demo is quite nice, I wish it was more than mostly just jump scares though.  I the atmosphere really makes the game in my opinion.  Can not wait to see what the full game is like when it comes out!

Not gunna lie, this game got me a fair few times.  The music box was a nice touch as they are always creepy.