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A member registered Mar 06, 2024

Recent community posts

This was a good game. Very interesting story. Keep up the good work

I didn't expect the car to be the killer. I struggled on the last part but I still enjoyed this. Keep up the good work.

Our boss is on some crazy. This was funny and interesting. I enjoyed playing it. Keep up the good work. 

Very interesting game. Keep up the good work

I was suspicious from the start. Very fun game. Keep up the good work

The people of this town are on some stuff. I enjoyed this. Good job for your first game. Keep up the good work. 

I didn't expect the twist at the end. I had fun as usual. Very good game. Keep up the good work.

I was confused the whole time while I was playing this lol

Very interesting game. Good luck with your studies 

Very interesting game. The build up to the ending was good. I can't wait for the next part. keep up the good work.

The service at this hotel sucked lol. This was an interesting and fun game keep up the good work 

I did not expect that ending. Y'all did amazing with this game. Keep up the good work. 

This was pretty interesting. Keep up the good work

Very interesting game. Keep up the good work 

This was fun and intense. I got like 3 of the endings. I'm on 91% for the collectables, I couldn't find the last ones. Overall I enjoyed this game. Keep up the good work.

That little jumpscare when you leave the main area kept getting me. This was nice and interesting. Keep up the good work

This was fun and creepy. 

I didn't expect to see that dude get his head chopped off. This was fun. Keep up the good work

I had a lot of fun playing this. That bottle pickle thing is creepy. I spent like 45 minutes trying to get all of the posters thinking there's another ending but I kept getting the same. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Overall this was fun. Keep up the good work

I took like 130 pictures and I was so lost lol. This was fun. I can’t wait for the full game 

Those were some of the biggest cock roaches I've ever seen. This was hilarious. I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work

Got a geezer and a puppet that should be in the NBA stalking me. I always enjoy yall games. Keep up the good work 

I did not expect the twist towards the end. I dang near shed a tear playing this. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what the next entry of this series.

Very fun game. I went for all of the endings which were very worth getting. Keep up the good work

Didn't expect to end up staying at the diddy hote

So my girlfriend's family is on some freaky stuff. This was hilarious as usual. Keep up the good work

I really got fired because of an earthquake. That's hilarious. I enjoyed this game. Keep up the good work.

I did not expect to see the things I've seen. Very good game

Grandpa on some strange timing. I enjoy playing these kinds of games. Keep up the good work

Those ghosts are very rude. Good job on your first game. Keep up the good work

This was pretty fun. I enjoyed this 

I wanna know how our character can afford that kind of car on a 7-11 salary. I had fun playing this

That creature was really trying to get me. Very fun game. Keep up the good wor

I was uncomfortable the entire time lol but this was fun. Keep up the good work

This left me so confused but I enjoyed. You make some pretty interesting game. Keep up the good work.

Pretty fun game. Keep up the good work

I did not expect to be getting chased by a ghost lady but here we are. This was fun. The AI was challenging but I liked it. Good job for you first game and I can't wait to see what you do in the future. 

Very fun game. I loved all the drunk people that were just scattered all around the house.